There are a lot of funny books that can make you laugh, but which are the best humorous books?

According to Ann Landers “If you want your children to listen, try talking softly to someone else.” This works the same way with funny books. If you have something to say put it into humor and people will listen.

​No matter how intense you like your drama or thriller books, no one can deny the benefits of a chilled funny novel every now and then. It brings in a good laugh and a few giggles, but it also comes up with a feel good atmosphere. In a world where coming up with new ideas could be a bit difficult, some authors have managed to nail the charts with their originality and fun way to write.

Three Funny Fiction Book Ideas

Why funny stories rock? They have a healing effect the uplifts our spirit. When we laugh out, our bodies release endorphins, those feel-good chemicals that have a profound effect on our well-being. They act as natural painkillers, reducing stress and anxiety. Not bad I would say!

Now let me share some of my own fun story ideas, that may inspire an author someday (free story ideas…you may use them anytime…seriously)

  • A clumsy penguin who works as a waiter at a fancy restaurant and constantly causes chaos with his clumsiness, but somehow always manages to save the day.
  • A group of mischievous cats who team up to pull pranks on their human owner and the rest of the neighborhood, causing hilarious misunderstandings and mishaps.
  • A space adventure featuring a bumbling astronaut who is constantly getting into trouble and causing chaos on the spaceship, much to the dismay of his no-nonsense captain and crewmates. Despite his mistakes, he always manages to save the day in the end.

All in all, here are some of the best new funny novels and stories, as well as what you should expect from each of them.

What Are The Most Charming Funny Books That Will Make You Smile?

The Moron at the End of This Book, by Andrew Couch (2023)

Andrew Couch's book feels like sitting down with an old friend who has the best, most absurd stories to tell. You know, the kind of stories that make you think, “this can't be real,” but you love them anyway because they're just so outlandish. That's the charm of this book. It's like listening to tales from that one uncle who's lived a thousand lives, all of them a bit questionable.

The book is a mix of short stories, showcasing the highlights of Couch's life. You've got First Communion Blues, where the sacred meets the downright ridiculous. Then there's Hang On, Diagnosis! which is a wild ride – think near-death experiences with a side of slapstick humor.

Graceland takes you behind the scenes of Elvis fandom. It's less about Elvis and more about the fans who are a whole world unto themselves. Ain’t No Heroes Here and Curiosity Killed the Cake have Couch exploring the ups and downs of drug use, but with a twist that's both funny and a bit tragic.

My favorite has to be Of Course, I Give a Shit, a story about growing up that's so real and awkward, you can't help but relate. Couch has this way of telling stories that makes you feel like you're right there with him, for better or worse.

The Fake Out, by Sharon M. Peterson (2023)

In the heartwarming romance set in the quaint town of Two Harts, the author skillfully weaves a tale that is as engaging as it is humorous. The protagonists, a local librarian and the charismatic yet mischievous NFL player, Chris Sterns, are etched with such wit and charm that they instantly captivate the reader's heart.

What truly sets this novel apart is the sparkling humor laced throughout the interactions between the characters. Whether it's a cheeky comment, a playful banter in their two-person book club, or an embarrassingly amusing audiobook incident, the dialogue is filled with laugh-out-loud moments. The relationship develops with a natural and delightful ease, peppered with funny one-liners that make the characters feel like old friends. The blend of romance with genuine comedy creates an irresistible read, perfect for those seeking both a love story and a good chuckle.

“Hear what?” I asked.
She rolled her eyes. “I swear you are on another planet sometimes.”
“I am not.”
“Yes, you are. I’ll prove it. Do you know who Chris Sterns is?”
I shook my head. “Should I? Did he go to school with us?”
“There were sixty people in our class, and you were the yearbook editor. You know he didn’t go to school with us. How are we friends?”
“I think you followed me home from school one day.”
“You’re hilarious.”
I grinned. “Probably another reason we’re friends.”

I'll Show Myself Out, by Jessi Klein (2022)

A new book by author Jessi Klein is giving moms a much-needed dose of humor. I'll Show Myself Out is a collection of essays that covers everything from the challenges of parenting to the joys of watching your children grow up.

This funny book is sure to resonate with any mother who has ever felt overwhelmed by the challenges of raising a family. In her essays, she tackles topics like sleep deprivation, “underwear sandwich”, and the never-ending battle to keep your house clean. But despite the serious subject matter, Jessi's writing is always infused with humor. I found myself laughing out loud at the relatable experiences and stories shared by the author.

If you are a new mother feeling isolated, exhausted and alone, I highly recommend this book as a funny and uplifting read.

“Buster,” he says firmly.
I look at Buster.
“Welcome home, Buster!” I say.
Good Lord, you're gross, I think.

Jokes to Offend Men, by Allison Kelley et. al. (2022)

Jokes to Offend Men is a book that offers a modern, feminist take on classic joke structures. It is written by four comedy writers who use these structures to comment on the everyday and structural sexism that exists in all aspects of life.

The book provides readers with humorous quips that they can use to shut down people who are undermining them in the workplace or being condescending, or to share with friends at the end of a long day. It is intended as a cathartic and cutting spin on the traditional joke book, and is aimed at anyone who has ever been told to “lighten up” in response to being offended by a joke.

Why are the men in my workplace like jack-in-the-boxes?

Because it’s only a matter of time before they interrupt me.

Too Funny! 101 Hilarious Stories to Brighten Your Days (Chicken Soup for the Soul), by Amy Newmark (2022)

If you enjoyed the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul this book is something you will love too.

Amy Newmark's story collection is something that you need to read instead of news headlines. these stories are real feel-good short stories about everyday homelife, in a not so everyday way.

The collection includes writings from people of all ethnicities, no matter where the story comes from, the only important thing is that it will need to cheer your day up.

The book is well edited and brings the quality of Chicken Soup for the Soul books to the readers.

“What's on the agenda today? Interest rates? Energy crisis?” President Carter would ask.
“No sir, Mr. President. We've got a situation down in Orlando,” his aide would reply.
“What's going on?”
“It appears that Ricky Keller just ran the 50-yard dash in 6.9 seconds.”

Hook, Line, and Sinker, by Tessa Bailey (2022)

Hannah thinks she's a supporting actress instead of a sought-after star. She considers herself the bad half of the litter as opposed to the favored one, given that her sister (Piper) deals in so many areas. Hannah patiently waiting, waiting for the limelight will obtain her. Soon she feels her time has come to take some risks. Coming clean with her long time crush's bohemian director at about her feelings and her desire to work at the company in the movie division. She doesn't require to be a production assistant indefinitely!

Fox fears he's an impostor around Hannah, his colleague Brendan's big sister. Everyone in the town thinks he's just a man-whore after. He's obsessed with checking his own self-esteem and thinks he ruins all things he touches.

If you are into friends to lovers rom-coms this will be a fresh new feeling for your soul.

Act Your Age by Eve Brown, by Talia Hibbert (2021)

If rom-com, than Talia Hibbert! In this romantic comedy, Eve Brown is a messy and chaotic person who has given up trying to do things right. However, when her chaos causes problems at an expensive wedding, her parents force her to grow up and prove herself.

Jacob Wayne is a control freak who owns a bed and breakfast and is determined to succeed in the hospitality industry. When Eve shows up to interview for a chef position at his B&B, Jacob tells her she has no chance of getting the job.

However, after she accidentally hits him with her car, Jacob is forced to rely on her help and she ends up infiltrating his work, kitchen, and even his spare bedroom. Despite their initial animosity, the two eventually develop feelings for each other.

The Accidental Text, by Becky Monson (2021)

When Chase Beckett, who seems like an unlikely match to Maggie, texts her back, Maggie is humiliated. But text after text, and night after night, Maggie realizes that Chase's wit, charm, and advice are exactly what the doctor ordered.

The narrative was told vividly through the first-person character of Maggie, and you'll also enjoy her because her character and the various commentary she has are entertaining. Along with my predilection for the events taking place, the readers care about Maggie and used my joy over her struggles to cry along with the rest of my emotions at her. circumstance.

This city life book hooks the readers, so keep in mind to start only when your schedule is empty.

The Ultimate Bathroom Reader, by Bill O'Neill (2021)

There are many different types of books that you can read while on the toilet. You could read a book about the history of the toilet, or a book about interesting facts about toilets. Or you could read a funny book to keep you entertained.

Some funny books to read on the toilet include The Book of Useless Information and The Guinness Book of World Records. If you're looking for something more recent this book is a perfect choice.

Among the stories you will find the one about the first Academy Awards. Which were held on May 16, 1929. However, many people believe that the winners had already been chosen before the ceremony even took place. This is because all of the major Hollywood studios had agreed to give their top stars awards, regardless of how well they had actually performed that year. So why did the people in attendance go along with this farce?

There are a lot more stories in this gritty book, that might be a perfect choice to read on the toilet. Anyway, make sure that you toilet read will keep you entertained and amused. That way, you'll have something to look forward to each time you have to go!

Ice Cream for Refugees, by Daniele J. Grassi (2021)

When you picture an Austrian village, you imagine old fashioned colored buildings, narrow streets, lots of greenery and perhaps a river going around. Well, Maisland is described in a different way in this interesting novel. While the beginning is classic, things quickly escalate.

Mayor Franz Bauer expects a day like any other – nothing special going on, but just a few things on his daily agenda. However, the local party head decides to ask him for a shelter to welcome refugees. The mayor has to comply with the request and this is when chaos begins.

No one really likes the idea. The town goes insane – it all starts with the cabinet members and the chaos moves on to the actual population. Suddenly, everyone else has something else to do. Agendas change and people are willing to go the long way around to achieve their goals – a fun mix of unexpected events.

Grown Ups, by Marian Keyes (2020)

The Caseys represent everyone's dream. They are glamorous, good looking and successful. The family is perfect – Johnny, Ed, Liam, their wives and kids tend to gather around all the time, whether it comes to celebrations, weekends or parties. The family is apparently kept together by Johnny's wife, Jessie.

Apart from the public image, things are not always as good as they seem. The family conditions are not that pink. Some of the family members love each other, while others seem to clash most of the time. However, things are easily kept under control.

Everything escalates when Ed's wife, Cara, gets a concussion. This is when things go wild. She is no longer able to keep opinions and thoughts private, so she keeps telling people the blatant truth. It all starts with a careless remark and the entire family goes fuming over long kept secrets.

Wow, No Thank You, by Samantha Irby (2020)

This is the type of book that will hook you from the first chapter – you will not be able to put it down until you finish it. It follows Irby's story. She is 40 years old and she is not too confident with herself, despite being quite successful on Instagram. However, she decides to follow her dream.

She leaves her current job, publishes a few books, gets some connections in Hollywood and moves into a house that requires quite a few repairs. Things take an unusual turn and sooner or later, she ends up hosting book clubs and making salads – not the lavish lifestyle she dreamed about.

Things go from bad to worse and Irby ends up with bad dates with a bunch of new friends, random meetings with no results, past due bills and so on. The book is a collection of hilarious essays that will make your day better and put a smile on your face.

House Of Trelawney, by Hannah Rothschild (2020)

If you like those series based on British aristocrats and their fancy lifestyles, you will be delighted by this hilarious novel covering such a topic. The story takes place at the Trelawney Castle, which dominates Cornwall for over 700 years – a grand masterpiece with incredible luxury and vast gardens.

2008 is not the best year for it though. After going through two wars, facing an economic crisis and being exposed to inheritance taxes, the castle is in a state of ruin. However, Kitto, his wife Jane, their kids and a bunch of other related people still manage to live there.

Things could get a bit confusing later on – Kitto's sister comes back and they get ready to welcome some unexpected guests. Trying to make a good impression, the local residents figure out that the castle itself is not what keeps the family together, but many other things and a rich history.

Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies, by Tara Schuster (2020)

This book is brutal, honest, incredibly funny and surprising. It follows Tara Schuster's story – the author with a rich background and a successful venture in being a grownup. It teaches people how to discover gratitude, heal wounds, identify beliefs to overcome them and silence the inner enemy.

At a first glance, it may look like a self help book and there are, indeed, a bunch of lessons that anyone could learn from. In fact, the author said this is the type of book she wish she could read when she was younger. But apart from all these, everything is related in a hysterical manner.

There are a bunch of stories to learn from and each of them is related in the funniest possible way. It is candid and brutally honest, but also addictive and likely to put a smile on your face. It could be seen as a practical guide to growing up as well, but with a laid back attitude towards life.

The Thursday Murder Club, by Richard Osman (2020)

This is not just one of the best new funny novels for 2021, but also an incredibly smart story that will hook you in. The action takes place in a quiet retirement village – everyone is chilled and happy and they all know each other. They move on with their lives without a single worry at all.

But things take an unusual turn when four unlikely friends find their lives too boring. They gather together every week in order to investigate unsolved crimes and murders – just following a hobby and keeping busy. However, none of them expects a murder to occur right in their community.

A brutal killing occurs right there and the so called Thursday Murder Club is excited to be in the middle of the action. The self-taught investigators are now facing their first case. While most members are around 80, they can still come up with a few tricks. Will they manage to find the killer before it is too late? Are they in danger too?

A Village Vacancy, by Julie Houston (2020)

A Village Vacancy is one of those feel good stories that can warm you up on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Julie Houston has gained notoriety with A Village Affair and her new book aims to be even better. The action takes place in Westenbury, a picturesque village in Yorkshire.

The local community is ravaged by a death. One of the most popular gentlemen passes away and most women are interested to find out what will happen with the handsome widower. Who will replace her beloved husband? But Grace Stevens has a different plan that will most likely surprise everyone else.

She lives in the village and moves to Devon. She decides to return to teaching and takes over a problematic class of kids. There are lots of challenges to go through, but just like you might have guessed already, a bit of romance will inevitably kick in too – Grace tries to keep the distance from one of her pupils' dad, but it seems the attraction is too powerful.

A Year At The Chateau, by Angel Strawbridge and Dick Strawbridge (2020)

Dick and Angel have always wanted to live in France, but their expectations are not low at all. While most people could do well with a little cottage in a village with narrow streets, the couple has different expectations. The two eye an impressive château with over 45 rooms spread over a bunch of buildings and lots of land.

The plan is fairly simple – they have a two bedroom flat in London and they hope to swap it for a derelict castle in the middle of the Loire valley. This is likely to become the adventure of their lifetime, especially as their two daughters follow up and join the challenge as well.

For this interesting family, this is the experience of a lifetime. Moreover, there are plenty of happy outcomes and funny situations, not to mention the glorious description of the rural life in France. It is a warm book with incredible adventures – suitable for an adventurous read on your evenings. Plus, chances are it will make you want to travel tomorrow.

Final Thought on Funny Books

Imagine a spectrum of humor, ranging from gentle chuckles to explosive guffaws. Funny books span this entire spectrum, catering to every laughter preference.

These literary gems are packed with chuckle-inducing escapades, guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and leave you in stitches.

If you are looking for women's fiction, check out our favorite chick lit books or the best books for women.

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