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Positive Parenting Tips to Prevent Teen Cell Phone and Social...

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Positive Parenting Tips to Prevent Teen Cell Phone and Social Media Addiction, Reduce Kids’ Anxiety Levels, Improve Family… the Dangers of Digital Immersion

A Digital Crisis Book 1

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” — Romans 12:2

Does God want me to use social media? Is it ethical for me to use a cell phone app, like Tik Tok, Twitter, or Facebook, that can potentially harm other people?

In this revolutionary follow-up to the parent and law enforcement-acclaimed social media addiction book Delete Me, technology addiction specialist and Christian therapist J.A. Thomas offers the loving parents and grandparents of teens and tweens a powerful new approach to preventing video game overexposure, social media abuse, and cell phone addiction.

In an age where over 50% of the population is addicted to one behavior or another and the average teenager spends 4 hours a day wasting time alone on their cellular devices and struggles to interact IRL (In Real Life) with real, live humans, the power of Christian faith or other religious morality can be a valuable lifeline that individuals, parents and teens can use to set boundaries, reduce anxiety and improve in-person communication skills.

In this potentially life-changing technology addiction book great for all walks of life, you will learn:

  • How to use the power of faith in setting boundaries with technology, popular online apps and guide social media usage by teens and tweens.
  • How to use your faith in God to answer questions such as: “Is TikTok evil?” and “Should we post about our faith on social media platforms?”
  • How to heal your inner child, overcome tech addictions & seasonal depression, foster healthy relationships, reduce anxiety and stress, and nurture your holy spirit.
  • How teenagers can let go of toxic relationships with cell phones, video games, and social media apps and turn to positive influences like God, loving families, and strong friendships.
  • How to examine your own intersection with technology in ways that will help you re-establish your connection with Jesus Christ.
  • Why social media is ruining your kids’ lives… but they are still using it!

By reverse-engineering behavioral addiction, we can negate the negative mental health outcomes of technology abuse and cell phone addiction for good—to improve how we communicate and set boundaries between work and play.

Faith Over Technology is the perfect tool to prepare parents and high school students for excelling during another challenging year of peer pressure, social media abuse, and the societal thought control that exists in many schools and colleges!

Amazon Author's Amazon Page

Excerpt from Faith Over Technology © Copyright 2023 J.A. Thomas

The internet and handheld devices have an immense impact on our lives, providing immediate access to the cyber world. With the ability to automatically connect to any social media platform or website and endless social options, the internet has become a powerful instant escape mechanism. It has become a primary emotional outlet for people of all ages, who may constantly feel the need to be plugged into their phone, computer, or social cyber network. This need for constant connection can feed into an endless shame cycle, where people feel the pressure to present a false self to the world.

The public image of having many friends, lots of attention, traveling, socializing, and partying can all be elaborate forms of self-deception. The self-perceived power of social status and cyber friends around the world can be very addictive and overwhelming. People seek to feel important, valuable, and connected as a reaction to their nagging inner negative self-dialogue. However, this addiction to social media and cyber validation can have devastating consequences, including cyberbullying, stalking, and instant gratification.

The emotional craving for self-acceptance is only momentarily met through social media, and it is lost in the next second. Shame keeps covered up and stays secret, hiding the wounded child deep within the adult or young adult. People may present a false self on social media, using it as an excellent cover-up for the real person within, the one who is terrified to be revealed or exposed in a negative light. The constant need to be seen and acknowledged can be relentless and offers no lasting peace of mind or self-acceptance.

The wounded self and shame work together to keep the real self-buried in the shadows of a person’s online appearance. The addictive nature of social media is widespread and shows no signs of slowing down. Shame and social media are best friends, and being aware of their impact on mental health and well-being can help prevent serious damage/mitigate some of the damage.

The author of this book recognizes that seeking professional treatment for internet and social media addiction can be pricey and difficult to access for those who need it the most. While this guide is not a substitute for comprehensive care, it offers strategies for combating social media addiction using techniques commonly employed by clinicians, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy, in a more condensed and tailored format to fit an individual's needs.

Despite overwhelming evidence linking social media addiction to severe mental health challenges, such as anxiety and depression, there is resistance to including social media addiction in clinical reference guides like the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5). This is because the process of revising the DSM is slow and can take many years to include new disorders. For example, it took over 30 years after the initial version of the DSM to include Pathological Gambling as a diagnosable disorder.

The lack of a formal diagnosis for social media addiction means that individuals experiencing symptoms may be misdiagnosed and treated incorrectly, leading to potentially harmful consequences. In this book and its predecessor, I aim to inform the public about the dangers of social media addiction and provide tools to prevent harm from social media use, such as falling victim to predators or experiencing overwhelming anxiety and depression.

In my last book, Delete Me: 7 Steps to Social Media Abstinence, we explored the dangers of social media through a clinical lens. Although social media represents a subset of technology, it will again be the major focus of this book, as it represents a vastly important juncture for technology due to its prolific nature.

For a refresher course on why abstinence is a valuable strategy to eliminate social media addiction, I recommend reading Delete Me before this book. And although the two are largely mutually exclusive, they do share one core concept for the alleviation of social media mental health conditions, ailments and dangers resultant from social media abuse —abstinence. This is total abstinence from popular social media applications (TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Meta, Facebook, and any and all photo / quick video sharing app). Abstinence doesn’t mean ‘checking in’ on the social media application(s) occasionally. Abstinence doesn’t mean ‘passively’ using the social media application(s) without interaction. Abstinence means going off all social media applications and staying off.

It’s easy to confuse the notion of whether technology makes us more connected or more alone. We’re certainly more networked. And more isolated. The generation that was all but born with a device in their hand, A.K.A. ‘the digital native’— 18–24-year-olds — are four times as likely to feel lonely “most of the time” compared to those over 70.

While there are certain intersections between Delete Me and Faith In Technology, this book is not meant to preach, but places a focal lens on a new way of participating in a rapidly evolving online world from an In Real Life (I.R.L.) perspective.  The purpose of this book, like that in the pages of Delete Me, is to keep you in your real life—physically, spiritually, and psychologically.

I am not a theologian, and I cannot attest to the usefulness of these pages in arguing for any kind of religious stance on the nature of technology, whether it be bad or good. I am, however, a Christian who is a therapist and a subject matter expert in technology. As a former technical engineer and analyst for some of the biggest names in the global digital landscape, I have a unique lens on the interaction between humans and computers. The purpose of this book is to share experiences and data on the intersection of faith and technology, and the opinions within are purely my own. Scripture is offered within this book only as a means of allowing the reader to examine their own thoughts about their intersection with technology.

From businesses to learning, construction to therapy, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. But as we marvel at the advancements and convenience it brings, we must also question its moral and ethical implications. Are these dilemmas caused by the technology itself, or is it in how we use it? Nuclear, biotech, and information technology are among the game-changing innovations that bring ethical issues to the forefront. Think of the competing goods and evils, like the sharing of private information in organizations. Is it moral or immoral? And the move toward automation and artificial intelligence: will it improve or destroy lives? These are just some of the ethical dilemmas we face.

And what about the impact on health? Many technologies have devastating effects on both people and the environment. Prolonged computer use can lead to repetitive stress injuries. Moreover, technology can lead to job displacement, forcing people to take on different roles or face work-related stress. Gender discrimination is yet another ethical issue in technology. Women are often discriminated against in the manufacturing sector, with men being considered more productive. The male-dominated computer field also presents challenges for women, who may shy away from engineering and mathematics due to environmental setups.

With all these ethical concerns, it's important to question the moral implications of science and technology. Should we have an ethics of technology? How can we address these challenges?

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16+ Essential Books on Social Issues That Will Open Your Eyes Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:00:00 +0000

The books you read can often change the way you...

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The books you read can often change the way you see yourself, as well as the world around you. The last years were full of challenges, having the world struggle with all kinds of issues. As a direct consequence of all these problems, understanding economics and social statuses might need a new reflection. These books will also help to understand the most important political issues that the presidential candidates need to face.

What Are The Most Important Social Issues of our Time?

Some social issues that are widely considered to be important include poverty, inequality, discrimination, and climate change.

Poverty is an enduring problem in many parts of the world and has a profound impact on people's lives. It can trap individuals and families in a cycle of deprivation, preventing them from accessing essential services and opportunities.

Inequality is also a major social issue. It can take many forms, such as economic inequality, gender inequality, or racial inequality. Discrimination occurs when people are treated unfairly or differently based on certain characteristics, such as their race, ethnicity, or gender.

Climate change is another significant social issue that is affecting our planet. It refers to the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.

Human rights issues are often complex and multi-faceted. They can be difficult to address because there are often many different stakeholders involved. However, it is important to continue to raise awareness about human rights issues and work towards finding solutions.

Here are the topics, that are also important for authors to fully discover the current problems of our society:

These books can provide valuable insights and perspectives on these important topics.

All in all, here are the best social-economical non-ficion books that open eyes for social issues.

What Is Our Selection of Books on Social Issues?

This Is Going to Hurt, by Michael Ernest (2022)

Book on economic sovereignty, child support, breastfeeding

This book gives out some facts that we all feel about but we are never really talking about. The author puts everything on the table, without feeling worried about offending or hurting.

After all, you know what society is like these days… Anything you say can and will offend someone. Eventually!

The book goes in the black community direction. Or better said, it feels like it goes into the so called community, which is not really one. It is aimed at those who are afraid to say things, like the problems of economic sovereignty of the African American people or other concrete topics including breastfeeding and child support.

It is time to stop being apologetic for the past or misfortune. It is a different society, and it feels like it was about time someone said something about it.

Author Michael Ernest wrote this book for anyone involved in one way or another. It is a simple and exciting book that hooked me straight away.

It makes sense, and while it may hurt some people, it is the brutal truth that everyone sees or feels.

Start with Hello, by Shannan Martin (2022)

Book on Christian social issues

Simple in theory and easy to follow, this book is the type that makes you a better person. Or at least this is what it feels like…

Unless you live in a small cul-de-sac where everyone knows everyone, chances are you do not know most of your neighbors’ names.

The society is more divided than ever. Everyone drives, people only wave at each other and barely stop for a chat.

When was the last time you stopped for a chat? When was the last time you made a friend? How about meeting a new neighbor?

I know, it feels like we are always in a rush and less likely to care about anyone else but our families. Well, this book changes everything and provides easy practices to be a more connected neighbor and human being.

It addresses the lack of social connectivity, but in a way that makes it look like a guide. It makes you more empathetic and connected, but it also teaches you how to find common ground with others.

What We Owe the Future, by William MacAskill (2022)

Book on moral, climate change and positive influence of future generations

The world is in our hands, no doubt about it. Humanity has an impressive history, but if you think about it, it is only thousands of years old. What we do today could have an impact for millions of years.

Written by a philosopher, this book is focused on the idea of longtermism. What does it mean? I am Influencing the far future.

I know, we all bother about it, and we all try to do something better for future generations, but are we really doing the right thing?

Pandemics, climate change, industrial moves, and so on, all these things affect us today, and we believe we know better than future generations.

I would say this book is a bit motivational and can boost the idea of helping our grandchildren thrive by making the right choices today.

Young, Broke, And Educated, by Alexander Baima

Book on inequality and higher education

Alexander Baima wrote this book from personal experience. He graduated from college with over $80,000 in student debt. By 29 years old, his parents had a house and a child and they only lived on a single income. By 29, the author still had $50,000 in student debt. It makes you wonder – how can generations from the past gain so much more than today's generations?

This book analyzes the way purchasing power has moved – sadly, in the wrong direction. Economics systems might have evolved, but people are doing worse and worse. You will learn what needs to be done to ensure future generations benefit from the same level of wealth in the long run – simple steps, nothing fancy and clear instructions.

Deaths Of Despair And The Future Of Capitalism, by Angus Deaton and Anne Case

Book on inequality, poverty, addiction

Only in the USA, life expectancy has fallen for a few years in a row. Last time it happened, it was 1918. The so called deaths of despair are clearly responsible for these issues and they include drug overdoses, alcoholism and even suicide. It is not the first time the authors try to raise some attention on this topic, but this book has done it in a marvelous way.

The book underlines the American dream, but in a way that more and more people avoid. Despair and pain are extremely common and the gap between the poor and the rich gets bigger with time. Capitalism, which has successfully helped countries go back on track, is now killing the USA in an obvious manner. Apart from underlining these problems, the book also indicates the steps forward.

More: The 10,000 Year Rise Of The World Economy, by Philip Coggan

Book on economics

In a world where everyone is trying to be ahead by anticipating the next big thing, this book takes you through the history of the trade industry – all the way back to the ancient Rome. Not only do you get a glimpse over past economies that were extremely sophisticated, but understanding cycles and factors behind growth will help you determine what might come next.

At a first glance, it may look like a history book. You learn about the economy of Mesopotamia, as well as mining in the United Kingdom or factories in the Philippines. However, you also get to see how agriculture, technology and demographics – among other factors – can influence the human civilization in terms of progress and prosperity.

Basic Income and Sovereign Money, by Geoff Crocker

Book on equality and solving poverty

As you go through the first few chapters, you might find this book to be a bit radical. It is not. Instead, it aims to challenge your beliefs and expectations about today's economy. Believe it or not, the author actually comes up with some impressive arguments, even if you do not necessarily agree with all the statements.

You do not have to be a genius to see it – today's economic system is not really functional. There is plenty of austerity and everyone seems to be in debt. Moreover, the pay gets lower and lower. Poverty inevitably kicks in, not to mention the ecological damage that tops all these issues. All the policies in today's system prevent it from modern engineering though. The author pleads for a universal basic income then – a limited system according to the economic output, only to prevent inflation. It sounds incredible, but the author believes it can be done.

The Uncounted, by Alex Cobham

Book on economics

The Uncounted is one of the best economics books that open eyes for social issues. The book works on a simple principle – what you can count really matters. Everything is dictated by numbers, from major decisions to actual policies. Data is driven by statistics – you see numbers wherever you look. The general idea is fairly simple – if you cannot be counted, you do not count. It sounds like a game, but it is actually true.

The author argues that this kind of mentality is responsible for plenty of damage in today's society. It is also the main issue behind so many inequalities out there. The author shows how statistics from all fields and industries make it obvious – disadvantaged groups end up underrepresented. They are marginalized even further and the gap grows bigger and bigger. Meanwhile, the super rich population and large corporations gain even more – more opacity and less transparency.

The book is well researched and shows how what you count can make the difference, while what you do not count will become forgotten overtime, leading to even more drama and inequality.

How To Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi

Book on solving racism

Black Lives Matter movement opened the eyes of many people that racism is still a serious issue. On the first presidential debate in September 2020, racism was the most important political issue.

Equality starts when people are treated evenly. In this deeply empathetic book, the author shows that when it comes to racism, neutrality is not an option. We need to become part of the solution.

Ibram X. Kendi helps the readers to recognise that everyone is, at times, complicit in racism whether they realise it or not. Along the way, Kendi reveals all the myths and taboos that so often cloud our eyesight.

Radical Uncertainty: Decision-Making Beyond The Numbers, by John Kay and Mervyn King

Book on economics and uncertainty

This book aims to answer a question that every grown up will need an answer to at some point or another – how can you make a good decision with all the uncertainty around you? Prior to moving on to decisions, the book underlines some of the most common concerns out there. Financial crises strike when least expected. People need certainties for decisions, but they can never have. The impact of taking risks can be tremendous in the long run.

However, this is not the first generation to face uncertainty and definitely not the last one. People have managed to find specific ways to deal with uncertainty and risk overtime. All in all, this masterpiece draws some attention over economics, philosophies and mathematical algorithms that can help the world deal with the unknown future. Moreover, it can teach you how to overcome today's problems in the safest possible way.

The Deficit Myth, by Stephanie Kelton

Book on economics and monetary policy

This book is a bestseller and it is easy to tell why. It explored the modern monetary theory, which practically affects every individual out there. This theory affects how you see things like poverty, wealth, climate and so on. No matter what the issue is about, everything revolves around the exact same thing – how to find the money to make it happen. This is where people and governments get stuck.

The author goes through all the myths and misconceptions that prevent people from acting and reacting. She talks about the issue regarding future generations in debt, private investments, longterm effects and so on. There are other ways to understand money, taxes and the effects over the society. From the author's point of view, the modern monetary theory can push things forward, bring in some opportunities and create a new economy – and she has some good arguments for it too.

Angrynomics, by Eric Lonergan and Mark Blyth

Book on inequality

Angrynomics has a pretty self explanatory title and can easily qualify among the best economics books that open eyes for social issues. To understand the idea behind the book, you have to ask yourself a simple question – why do politicians tell you the world has never done better when anxiety and stress are on the rise? Why are people told everything is alright when they are clearly not as happy as previous generations?

Statistics claim people get richer and richer, but in reality, people face more and more challenges. They struggle more and more to survive. Authors try to explore the growing anger among the general population. They also underline the fact that it could be helpful and useful at times, yet terribly wrong in many situations too – especially if it becomes radical. At the same time, they propose a bunch of ideas and solutions to remove confusion in terms of economics and finances. Simply put, this book is ideal for everyone, regardless of their location and financial status.

What’s Wrong With Economics, by Robert Jacob Alexander Skidelsky

Book on economics

The reputable author aims to find answers to a few common questions. He aims to understand how scientific certainty has led to uncertainty in finances. Societies end up making decisions on economic models that are currently outdated. There are, of course, some circumstances and causes that led to such issues.

The current situation is the obvious result of an outdated system. Students learn about economics in universities, but the principles are old and have nothing to do with today's society. The author underlines the necessity of further education for better decision and he agrees that an economist should also be a statesman, mathematician, philosopher and historian.

Healthcare From The Trenches, by Alejandro Badia

Book on public healthcare

The U.S. healthcare system is in crisis. People in the United State are facing serious problems, and not just because of COVID-19, the problem is much deeper. The constantly rising healthcare costs and the ineffective medical care leads to constant discontent. The COVID-19 crisis amplified the whole situation. Despite all the political efforts and media coverage the situation isn't changed since the Obamacare.

This book is written from a doctor’s view. Dr. Alejandro Badia, didn’t want to write this book but felt he had to because of the incredible problems he sees every day in getting the patient the care they need. As an doctor, his treatment plans are constantly hindered by the system which has a no insight of the problem that patients are facing. It became impossible for the author to continue to practice without calling out what is happening.

Capital in the Twenty-First Century, by Thomas Piketty

Book on inequality

In this long work Thomas Piketty systematically introduces the main factors that drove the economy to the big problem of capitalism: income inequality.

The main driver of inequality is again threatening to generate extreme dissatisfaction among people and weakens democratic values. The author’s findings in this ambitious, original book will transform debate and set the agenda for the next generation of thought about poverty and inequality.

Windfall, by Meghan L. O'Sullivan

Book on energy policy and climate change issues

Energy politics is closely connected to sustainable economics and climate crisis. Windfall describes how new energy realities have deeply affected the world of international relations. New technologies led to destroy the oil market. This is more then just about oil prices, it changed the structure of markets and altered the way many nations handle power.

With bold and provocative analysis, Daniel Yergin and coauthor Joseph Stanislaw offer an eye-opening new vision of global energy. Gone is the constant fear of running out; replaced by a world awash in fossil fuels. They assert that the new energy abundance—due to oil and gas resources once deemed too expensive—is transforming the geo-political order and is boosting American power.

Chaos Monkeys, by Antonio García Martínez

Book on social interactions and the impact of technology on our lives

Internet economy is skyrocketing and online giants like Google or Facebook are living in another world. A world where money and shareholders are first.

García Martínez joined Facebook’s nascent advertising team years ago. Forced out in the aftermath of an internal product war over the future of the company’s monetization strategy. The author on one day landed at another giant Twitter. In Chaos Monkeys, this gleeful contrarian unravels the chaotic evolution of social media and online marketing and reveals how it is destroying our lives and shaping our future.

If you are familiar with the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, this book will give you valuable further knowledge about this topic.

We Want to Do More Than Survive, by Bettina L. Love

Book on higher education and social justice

The author argues that the US educational system is maintained by and profits from the suffering of children of color. This isn't acceptable real reform would be necessary.

Teachers, parents, and community leaders must approach education with the vision and urgency of an reformist. The book introduces an alternative to traditional modes of educational reform and expands our ideas of civic engagement and intersectional justice.

The contents of this book were so clear and comprehensible that educators need to read it.

Final Thoughts on some Outstanding Books on Social Issues

As a short final conclusion, the list could have gone a bit further, but these are some of the books on social issues. Some of them are educative, while others will raise some question marks and challenge your beliefs a little – anyhow, each of them will open your eyes and add to your thinking.

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4 Books that Have Helped Me Cure and Overcome My Social Media Addiction Thu, 22 Sep 2022 12:12:17 +0000

Be mindful of the time you spend on social media...

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Be mindful of the time you spend on social media and balance it with other activities.

Do you often wonder why it is so hard to avoid social media? If social media channels weren’t available, would we be better at socialization skills? How can we break from the nightmare of social media addiction? I have pondered these questions for a significant period since I realized social media was eating away my time.

I was addicted to social media, and it was hard to stay away from my smartphone for a minute. I used to spend most of the time swiping Tiktok videos, Instagram reels, and Facebook posts. I couldn’t focus on the important stuff and do anything productive.

Like me, you may be undergoing all this. The books on social media addiction below have been great in helping me to overcome this disease that was slowly creeping into my life. They have made me focus more on the better and more valuable things in my life. I bet they will be helpful to you too.

Quick Facts About Social Media Addiction

  • We spend 2.2 hours per day on social media (and this number increases year by year)
  • We use 7.5 social media platforms on average in one month
  • 30% of our Facebook feed is paid promotion, and Meta (formerly Facebook) makes $135.9 billion  per year (2022)
  • Not being on social media causes the fear among young adults, almost 34% of them feel they miss something (CBS)
  • 1 of 3 divorces is caused by social media, as a result of online affairs (McKinley Irvin)
  • 40% of young adults have poor sleep quality because of social media addiction (Sleep Foundation)

The Good and the Bad

We almost all have some social media account or have used social media platforms, right? In its way, it positively impacts life. Initially, social media was meant for sharing meaningful posts. But now, it has turned into an information black hole and brought about a tangled mess—the worst of them all being addiction.

In the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma we learn that Facebook intentionally created an AI based algorithm to keep our eyes on Facebook mobile feed. Although I have some expertise in AI, it  still sounds really scary that Facebook's algorithm checks thousands of data points per user to profile them what they like and what posts keep them in front of the feed.

Social media addiction is like using drugs, social media becomes an addiction if you have difficulty staying away. Before you know it, it is too late. You find yourself giving more time to social media scrolling and engagement. Other than doing other productive things. But why?

Being online sometimes feels more powerful for developing virtual friends than real friends. Or, you may want to keep up with the current trends to avoid FOMO. These things may make you feel as if you are living for the moment whenever you pick up your gadget.

Oblivious of time, you get glued to the screen, whether sending work emails, eating dinner with your loved ones or during an important meeting. Miserable right? But that is not even where it ends.

You may find yourself ignoring and failing at most of your essential duties. What’s worse, this obsessive use of social media sometimes becomes depressing, especially when you can’t relate to anyone or see everyone going on with their lives while yours is at a standstill.

However, if you keenly analyze and understand the impact, you may resolve to change. Now, you’re asking why should I read these books for my social media addiction? Let’s get to the bottom of this to find out your answer.

What Are The Most Eye Opening Books on Social Media Addiction?

The Little Book of Change, by Amy Johnson (2016)

This book helped me shift my perspective and appreciate the impacts of small social media changes on my day-to-day life. I could spiral about it all day. Amy shows you that when it comes to conquering social media addiction, little changes can make a huge difference.

The Little Book of Change illustrates how you can rewire your brain and overcome bad social media habits for good. I love that it emphasizes that you have the power to change your habits which I consider a fascinating perspective.

I highly appreciated how the book has a different point of view on thoughts and spirituality. It shows you that you are not your social media habits, and they do not define you. You will significantly resonate with this idea if you constantly beat yourself up about the social media dilemma.

From this book, you will realize that social media is simply a reversible brain-wiring. Putting an end to feeding the source is how you can take charge of the addiction; it all starts with taking small steps. That thought of finding out what your virtual friend ate for lunch is just vaporous and a passing cloud that you can stop. Your thoughts can't force you to act, so practice pausing the actions that make you want to go on and on. Before you know it, change will come.

Overcoming social media addiction is not an overnight miracle. As you put the breaks on social media urges, Amy recommends being patient with yourself and more willing to do the work.

The Shallows, by Nicholas Carr (2011)

Nicholas Carr is known for posting ‘Google is making us stupid’ on the Atlantic Monthly. His point led to a heated discussion on the impact of the internet on our human brain. This was his primary motivation for writing The Shallows.

In this profound and detailed book, Carr explores the intellectual and cultural effects of the internet on human behavior, including engaging and reading books online. I found this thought intriguing and interesting. Carr argues how a vast volume of messages and web design keep away our deep thoughts and make us rapidly respond to posts or information. As a result, we lose our ability to be deep thinkers.

Do you regret some rapid comments on a post or story due to certain instantaneous emotions? Most of the time, it is because we don’t pause and think critically before posting. We often don’t realize that the comments that follow, whether positive or negative are what slowly build into social media addiction. You will just want to see what someone said or how they reacted constantly. Even if you delete the post, it might just come up later, causing you to go back again to the cycle.

This book has thoughts and facts, and I highly recommend it if you constantly rely on technology and social media in your life. That urge to check how something is done, even if unnecessary, can potentially build addiction. Your intention might be correct, but a simple notification may make you remain obsessively engaged on social media.

Reading this book was informative and challenging to me on the impacts of the internet, both positive and negative effects. In the end, it gave me an insight into how to manage social media addiction for a life-changing experience.

Social Media Anxiety and Addiction, by Christopher B. House (2021)

Do you often feel as if you are missing out on the so-called social media moments? Do you constantly focus on being photo-ready or get worried if a day passes without you being online-having nothing to show, like, or comment on? Do you hold clout in high regard? If your answer to all these questions is ‘yes,’ then you will likely spend too much time on social media.

However, Social Media Anxiety and Addiction will help you differentiate between a healthy dose of social media presence and addiction/overdose.

I particularly loved how Christopher provides research that delves into the psychological, emotional, and physical, social media addiction impacts and how to step back from over-connection.

This book is for you if you constantly get social media separation anxiety and if you are eager to learn what social media addiction means and what it is about. But most importantly, it is a practical tool if you are addicted to social media and want to regain your lost control.

It will help you detox your brain to find a moment of clarity, freedom, and mental peace. Social media is a potentially harmful tool to mental health and overall well-being if you obsess over it as a source of self-esteem. But the insights in this book will help you conquer its idealized version.

Social Media Addiction, by Caesar Lincoln (2013)

Life on social media is full of highlights and making sure you sell out on having a fun and exciting life. But it is time to take a step back if you find yourself constantly worrying and comparing yourself to these highlights.

Social Media Addiction was relatable to me, and I hope it will be so to you with its practical and applicable ways to deal with and cure this addiction. The book has helpful suggestions to help you triumph. In it, Caesar shows the downfalls of social media and how more reliant we are on faux than actual/honest communication and life issues. He also further illustrates how you can use media to your benefit while living an authentic and not virtual reality.

This book is for you to differentiate the blurred line between real and fake ‘living. It has helped me find social media freedom as a young adult.

Caesar makes reading this book a pleasure rather than a reading chore. It is short and straight to the point, with a sound and straightforward strategy to follow.

Final Thoughts about Books on Social Media Addiction

How To Heal From Light Social Media Addiction?

Based on my own experiences there are some practical tips that may help you to free from social media addiction:

  • Would you like to drastically reduce Facebook time? Delete it from your start screen. Later if you want to open it, you will need to search the app in the all app screen. This trick reduced my Facebook time with almost 90%
  • No smartphone times. Pick several hours in your week especially on the weekend, when you simply put your phone in a box. Watch a new big screen movie, read a great chick-lit book, or simply do something you were always interested in
  • If you do sports, gym, whatever physical activity. Never pick up your phone to check “something”
  • Monitoring your smartphone activity will only frustrate you over time, instead of checking how much time you spent with social media try to pick up new valuable habits, to reach long lasting social media free results

Further Thoughts

We live in a time where a lot of value is based on our views, comments, and followers. But, obsessing over social media engagement will only lead to a decline in an aspect of life. Be it declined self-confidence, lowered self-esteem, feeling like you don’t belong, or ignored responsibilities.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Moderating your social media usage is the way to go, and it is worth it. It will improve many other aspects of your life and relationships. Trust me. You don't need social media dopamine to live fully. Instant gratification is overrated.

Social media addiction can lead you into a rabbit hole if you don't take the necessary remedies.

So, get there with any of the social media addiction books I have recommended above and overcome the struggle. They have helped me break free from digital bondage and can help you too.

If you are interested in this topic, than check also our article connected to smartphone addiction.

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​11 Books on Smartphone Addiction That Will Clear Your Mind Fri, 29 Jul 2022 06:16:00 +0000

Most predictions regarding technology have become harsh realities these days...

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Most predictions regarding technology have become harsh realities these days – smartphone addiction is real and can and will affect people of all ages. Checking on your smartphone is the first thing you do in the morning, before you even get out of bed. You take it with you everywhere and you use it whenever you have a minute or two – just checking on your social media.

While in theory, the issue would not be that bad, it can have long-term consequences on your social capabilities. Sure, you can use the smartphone to entertain yourself, shop and make payments – even get work. But at the same time, your social life will be affected – most people would rather spend a few minutes on their smartphones than socialize with those around them.

Fast Facts on Smartphone Addiction

  • An astounding 47% of Americans admit that they are addicted to their phones
  • The typical American looks at their phone 352 times per day
  • 44% of adults agree that not having their phones with them causes them anxiety
  • 60% of children spend at least 4 hours using smartphones per day

No one says you should give up the smartphone completely. It is useful and handy quite often. But at the same time, you need to find a balance between your social life and technology. With these thoughts in mind, here are some of the best books on smartphone addiction, as well as how they can help against it.

What Are The Most Relevant Books on Smartphone Addiction?

The Smartphone Addiction Restriction, by A Concerned Citizen Publishing

Smartphones are convenient, easy to use and capable of many things. After all, a small device can act like a job search device, CD player, GPS, camera, landline and so on. All these benefits have a cost though. Most people – especially youngsters – fail to understand the dark side associated with technology. Most people do not even realize they are trapped in addiction.

Smartphones have harsher effects on youngsters – especially children. They fail to socialize and can no longer see things from a critical point of view. On the same note, kids are more likely to face anxiety and depression, not to mention failing to develop skills that will help them later on in life. There is some light at the end of the tunnel though – this addiction can be kept under control and actually healed.

This book will explain how smartphones have become such addictive these days, as well as how people will end up spending up to five years of their lives tapping and swiping. You have a personal test that will help you realize how addicted you are, as well as a bunch of things you will have time for once you overcome this addiction – everything available in easy and straightforward step by step instructions.

How to Break Up with Your Phone, by Catherine Price

This book is excellent for anyone who owns a smartphone, whether you think you are addicted or not. Having a smartphone will give you a certain level of addiction and this is what the book will help you control. If you are the type who wants to spend a few minutes on the smartphone and ends up wasting hours, this is one of the top-rated social media addiction books to consider.

How to Break Up with Your Phone is a practical guide. It provides a hands-on approach and step by step details on how to fix the issue. The goal is not to quit the smartphone or technology. Instead, the award-winning journalist is trying to help people develop a healthy relationship with their devices – at the end of the day, smartphones are helpful.

You will learn the psychology behind smartphones and applications, but also why they are designed to become addictive in the long run. You will also discover some of the side effects of spending too much time with technology – such as stress, the incapability to focus or think, as well as the lack of new memories with your loved ones.

The Phone Addiction Workbook, by Hilda Burke

The smartphone is a powerful device that has seriously changed people’s lives. It is handy to have around and allows you to do a bunch of things, improving your life in multiple ways. It does not mean that you always need to keep an eye on it or check your notifications every few minutes. Only this process itself can seriously add to your stress levels. This book will add a healthy point of view to this relationship.

The author is pushing to help people take back full control of their lives. Learn to enjoy small things in life and focus on your family and friends, rather than a device that provides a different reality. On the same note, it is important to know that smartphone addiction is similar to other addictions – substance abuse or perhaps gambling.

Long term consequences vary widely from one individual to another, but most people will clearly end up with intimacy issues, insomnia and other sleep-related problems, depression and anxiety or a lack of social skills. This book is not just an education tool, but it also comes with a program that will help you get back to normal – written by a psychotherapist, it has everything you need to make an easy change.

Irresistible, by Adam Alter

No one can deny it – this is the age of behavioral addiction. Basically, pretty much every individual out there is addicted to one behavior or another. People in western countries are obsessed with their news feeds, social media notifications, likes and so on. They check on videos and trailers, as well as random reels that could get them to spend hours a day staring at a small screen.

This book is a revolutionary release coming from a professor of psychology. The author discusses the rise of technology and how it has become irresistible to most people – but especially to youngsters. This is not an accident though – everything has been planned in the smallest details. All these devices and platforms are designed to become irresistible and cause addiction in the long run.

The author explains how reverse engineering behavioral addiction works and what you can do to regain your social skills and start meaningful relationships again. While no one claims you should give up useful products, there are ways to keep them under control and limit their use in order to save time, money and relationships with those around you.

The Twelve Steps For Smartphone Addiction, by James Sugel

The so-called 12 steps are not necessarily related to technology. In fact, this concept has been successfully implemented in the 1930s for Alcoholics Anonymous. The steps have been adapted overtime and have become incredibly successful in treating all kinds of addictions. They have been used against gambling, food and – why not – technology.

This book is now applied to modern technology. It is among the most efficient books on smartphone addiction and aims to tackle a phenomenon that seems to take the world over at an alarming speed. While adults can still have some control over technology, kids are often among the main victims. Loads of people crave technology, which will also affect sensory skills and capabilities, causing addictions.

The book has been adapted to work on digital addiction. It is about understanding the addiction and figuring it out. Moreover, it brings in a core of values that will seriously change the addict’s life. Even people who are not addicted (or so they believe) can learn some useful things and figure out how to control their hunger for technology.

Youth and Internet Addiction in China, by Trent Bax

You do not necessarily need to be Chinese or live in China in order to benefit from one of the best social media addiction books. Instead, the book is aimed at anyone who is addicted to Internet, as well as everything that it implies – from social media networks and random news to unlimited reels and hours of your day going down the drain.

Some people refer to the Internet as electronic opium. It affects a lot of young individuals. At some point, this addiction becomes so harsh that lots of people will actually need to take their children to psychiatrists. People facing this addiction will soon let the Internet take their lives over – no more social interactions and no more meaningful relationships. It is all part of a digital reality that they take for real.

The book features comprehensive research and discussions with psychiatrists and parents – even addiction victims. It is based on the Chinese society because while parents do insist that good grades and hard work will pay off in the long run, children are more obsessed with games and other online activities. It is an educational tool, but also a helpful guide for those in need.

Internet Addiction in Psychotherapy, by Daria J. Kuss and Mark Griffiths

Internet addiction – also known as a smartphone or social media addiction – has always been a warning to the global community. Everyone ignored it and everyone feels like they are actually in control – they are not. The actual addiction has become a thing these days and some researchers claim it is the most common pandemic of the 21st century.

There are more options when it comes to the actual treatment. There are also different theories on what the best intervention would be. However, just like any other addiction out there, this one asks for some comprehensive research upfront. Furthermore, it all begins with the patient – if you can admit you have an addiction, you are on the right path.

This is one of the most direct books on smartphone addiction. It is based on multiple interviews with people who actually deal with this addiction on a regular basis. About 20 psychotherapists from six countries added their contributions and described their personal experiences with this addiction. Furthermore, the book aims to help the reader understand when problems arise.

Smart Phone Dumb Phone, by Allen Carr and John Dicey

If you are the type who pulls out the smartphone whenever there are a few minutes to spare, chances are you have an addiction. Why would you see the same content or check on the phone when there is something who you can talk to instead? Do you feel anxious when your phone is not in sight? Is it in the car? Did you leave it in the bathroom? Anxiety kicks in straight away – this is an addiction.

Allen Carr has a solid reputation in helping people overcome addictions. In fact, his most significant book (also turned into a movie) has helped people from all over the world quit smoking. He is now back on track to help those suffering from another addiction – the smartphone issue. What showed up as a helpful innovation – the smartphone – has gained full control over people’s lives.

But the good news is technology will turn against you if you actually let it. In other words, this book will clear out all the brainwashing associated with smartphones, social media networks and the Internet. It is Allen Carr’s way to help people overcome addictions and based on the success of this book, it seems to work wonders – whether or not you admit this addiction.

Smartphone Addiction, by Steve Harris

You may not realize it, but your mobile phone is actually dangerous to you. You end up losing hours swiping and browsing without realizing it. You check your phone before bedtime, as well as before getting out of bed. Most people claim they only give it a quick check or they take a look, but this is an addiction – even if you do not admit it, this is one of the best social media addiction books and it can help.

It is just how the human brain works. You get hits of dopamine and feel happy when you see new posts or notifications. The same rule applies when you see matching symbols in gambling or lots of cigarettes in the pack – no anxiety whatsoever. In the long run, these so-called happy hits will affect your behavior, ability to focus or socialize, as well as your interpersonal relationships.

Indeed, a smartphone will also bring joy and lots of useful features. But then, without your smartphone, you tend to feel alone. You suddenly experience happiness again once you see or grab it. This book will show you how to take back control of your mind. It will teach you how to control technology and make it work for you, rather than the other way around.

Internet Addiction, by Stevie White

Internet addiction is no longer a warning, an idea or a potential problem of the future. It is present in everyone’s lives and it is often rated as a clinical disorder. It often requires treatment as well and withdrawal symptoms can be quite problematic – similar to other addiction that do not involve brain altering chemicals. In other words, the Internet goes in the same basket with food, gambling or shopping.

In some parts of the world, this issue has become a public health concern. The author aims to describe the Internet phenomenon and the good things associated with it. At the same time, he aims to explain how this phenomenon can become an addiction, even if addicts often claim they are in full control of their lives. The implications are also explained in small details.

Furthermore, the book provides access to a framework that will help people recover. There are exercises and ideas to try out in order to get rid of this addiction. Even if you believe a smartphone is only a useful tool, this book may help you reveal a few things about yourself that you were not aware of – great if a loved one suffers from this addiction too.

Breaking the Feedback Loop, by A. N. Turner and Ben Beard

Loads of people – children, adults and elders – are addicted to the Internet. It is not a surprise though – you can do anything online, like working, shopping or enjoying a break. The Internet is often rated as a harmless addiction, but the truth is its consequences can be devastating in the long run. You might be aware of some of them – anxiety, stress, social isolation and even suicide.

This so-called digital sexual stimulation is part of a loop. Once drawn in, people are addicted to various things. Some of them need their likes on social media, while others must always keep an eye on their emails. A quick glance at the phone to look at notifications is just as harmful and can bring in serious issues in the long run.

This book is so well written that it can simply pull you out of this loop. You can get out of the matrix and regain control of your life. Technology is helpful, but you need to learn how to keep it under control. Some parts of this book can be described as a manifesto. Some others include parts of the author’s life. But then, you have the self help chapters that will change your life too.

Final Thoughts on the top Books on Smartphone Addiction

Bottom line, these are some of the best books on smartphone addiction. They are not necessarily written as self-help books. Instead, they are educational and can help you understand technology.

They can help you determine whether you have a slight addiction or a big one. Moreover, they will teach you how to overcome such issues, whether they affect you or a loved one. ​

If you face with other addictions too, please check our collection of addiction recovery books.

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A Girl From Southern Boulevard by Gloria ‘CoachGlo’ Favreau Tue, 26 Apr 2022 08:15:47 +0000

Today I Believe In Me! A personal note from the...

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Today I Believe In Me!

A personal note from the author:

I wrote book for two reasons:

  1. To offer hope to the still sick and suffering alcoholic
  2. To let my grandchildren know who I was before I became Grandma

— Gloria ‘CoachGlo' Favreau

On the surface, Gloria had it all. She created a successful career. She was a single mother of a well-adjusted son. And she was devoted to her physical and spiritual fitness.

And the bottle threatened to derail every bit of it.

Her life had become unmanageable.

A Girl From Southern Boulevard is the raw and unflinching memoir of a woman who scaled the summit of success while her relationship with alcohol knocked her down to the depths of despair for not only her but those in her life.

Follow Gloria on her journey as she rebuilds and recreates her life, brick by brick, from addiction to CoachGlo – the champion for women and those with a special woman in their lives. All while staying true to her roots in the South Bronx.

A Girl From Southern Boulevard will make you laugh. It will make you cry. And it will help you see yourself in CoachGlo’s shoes.


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And Drink I Did by Jay Keefe Thu, 14 Apr 2022 08:17:01 +0000

One Man's Story of Growing Through Recovery A personal message...

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One Man's Story of Growing Through Recovery

A personal message from the author:

I wrote the book to offer hope for the sick and suffering addict.

–Jay Keefe

And Drink I Did offers an authentic and inspiring account of Jay's descent into the darkness and despair of alcoholism, and his triumphant ascent into sobriety.

Jay shines a light for others to follow in their own process to recovery, demonstrating the tremendous power of self-love to overcome the stigmas of shame and inadequacy that hinder so many in the recovery process.

Amazon Kindle Paperback

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11 Of The Best Addiction Recovery Books To Inspire Your Life Mon, 19 Jul 2021 13:41:24 +0000

Various addictions affect millions of people all over the world....

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Various addictions affect millions of people all over the world. From professional clinics to help groups and medical assistance, there are lots of options out there. However, books have always proven to work on a deeper level. They connect to your subconscious level and can influence your decisions from the inside.

No matter how many people you ask for a good title, you will always get different titles. This is because there is no such thing as a perfect book. People connect with books differently. All in all, whether you are struggling with addiction yourself or you want to understand what a loved one goes through, here are some of the best addiction recovery books on the market.

The Addiction Manifesto, by Weaver Jr

Despite being relatively new compared to other top-rated books, this one has already managed to snatch a few awards. It makes a fairly simple statement to understand. Not everyone might be close to you while going through an addiction. Some people will not even believe in you. However, there is nothing wrong with that – this journey is not about the ones around you, but about yourself.

The Addiction Manifesto has gained so much notoriety because it stands out. Simply put, it is different. It has been designed to give you a completely different perspective on life before and after recovery. It will help you see the situation from a unique point of view, and most importantly, it will show you that anything you want is possible and doable.

The author talks about how substance abuse almost killed him over 20 years. He explains the recovery process in the smallest details, but he also talks about how he has managed to handle loss. The approach is direct and realistic. This book gives you a deep understanding of substance abuse, its challenges, and the path to recovery.

Chasing a Flawed Sun, by Daniel McGhee

This is one of the best addiction recovery books for those who struggle with a strong drug – such as heroin. You might be aware of it – heroin can save lives. It is offensive and controversial, but this is what many addicts claim. However, the author explains how this drug has nearly killed him a few times, only to end up saving his life later on.

This is a brutal and direct true story. It is transparent and shows how problematic drug abuse can become. It usually starts in the teenage years. Some manage to get out of this aggressive drug culture, but others get dragged in. The author has almost failed to get out of it – various institutions, help from more directions, inner thoughts, conflicts and drama.

The transparency and harsh reality of this book are what make it stand out in the crowd. This is not the type of book that gives you an insight into an addict's life – it goes further than that. It shows the struggle, but it also shares hope for those who are in similar situations. The recovery process could be a harsh experience for most addicts, but it is totally worth it.

Chasing the High, by Michael G. Dash

This is definitely one of the most motivational books about addiction. It shows a successful entrepreneurs hassle with ongoing addiction. No matter how successful his career turned up, the addiction was waiting there to ruin his life out of nowhere. It is a real story that can motivate people, but also help them go through a harsh addiction.

To be successful, you must be bold. However, the need to achieve comes with multiple challenges and is also addictive. You end up feeling alone, by yourself only. You are trapped within tough emotions and it feels like a crazy roller coaster that will only go down. However, there is hope out there. Believe it or not, there is a way to get back on track in no time.

Michael Dash is a successful entrepreneur. He is also a recovering gambler and drug addict. At some point, he realized that these two issues would never work together. He was always chasing the high – whether in terms of money or euphoric feelings. He managed to find a winning approach and overcome obstacles associated with his hunger for success – a motivational lesson for everyone out there.

Comfortably Insane, by Neal Linares

Dozens of thousands of people die yearly because of alcohol-related issues. To many, it feels like controllable fun. Many others fail to realize when to stop, so the fun becomes a serious addiction – mothers, sons, sisters, employees, friends and so on. While people around addicts suffer a lot, the truth is that no one is in more pain – both physical and emotional – than alcoholic people themselves.

It may seem difficult, but if you struggle with an addiction, you know exactly what it feels like. This book is written from a personal point of view and brings in some of the challenges associated with alcoholism. It shares a personal experience and apart from helping readers feel like they can have a connection, it is also a valuable lesson to recovery.

The author has put together not less than 42 different lessons. There are 42 valuable tips and tricks that have helped him handle alcoholism. This is the first step in healing yourself – admitting that you have a problem. The book is about recognizing flaws and taking ownership of your life. It is also suitable for those who try to understand what addiction means.

Don’t Stop Dancing, by Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson was 21 and he had everything he wanted – great looks, athleticism, a great family and close friends. One event, one evening, one moment of inattention – this is what ruined him. He looked like he had a great future ahead, but a random disability kicked in and turned his life to 180 degrees. It felt like his whole life was over and depression inevitably kicked in as well.

Eric turned to everything that could make it even worse. He ended up partying in an excessive manner, but he also turned to alcohol and drugs. It took him a whole decade of hassle, emotions, sorrow and grief to realize that suicide was the only thing left to do. It felt like his life was over and he no longer had any hope. Until one day, when another random thing changed his life into better.

He got a link and he clicked on it. He saw the light at the end of the tunnel. It felt like someone got into his head, fixed his brain and changed his life around. He explains this experience in a heartbreaking and emotional book. He aims to help others understand what they go through and what an addiction truly means, but he also exposes the ways to fix these issues.

Dopesick, by Beth Macy

This is one of the best addiction recovery books if you want to go through a different approach. It comes from a journalist, so it has an analytical point of view. On the other hand, it also becomes a bit personal. It analyzes the problem associated with a national drama that has ruined communities for decades. It goes around from bit pharmaceutical companies to the average individual who struggles.

It all starts with a dealer who lands in a small town from Virginia and aims to turn everyone into a heroin addict. The story moves on to a grieving mother who fails to understand how her only son has been killed by a drug. The story underlines the idea of greed and need. Then, the reader gets to learn more about how painkillers have changed an overall perception in the USA – painkillers work for anything.

But at the same time, this culture also leads to death and addiction. The author shows that uniting regular people in understanding the effects of drugs is the only way to move forward. This is the only way to handle this national problem and get rid of a conscious epidemic. Drug abuse in healthcare is often overlooked, but it represents one of the most popular issues out there.

From Chains to Saved, by Adam Vibe Gunton

This is a collection of stories that make one of the most incredible books about addiction. The reader goes through all kinds of events that somehow are connected. You get to read about the Columbine High School shooting, angels, demons, pictures of politicians who feature Jesus in the background or people found dead – it sounds crazy and unusual, but it all makes sense.

The book is interesting and can be exciting at times. However, it is also inspiring. It makes no difference what side of the road you are on. You could be an addict trying to overcome abuse or perhaps you are a family member who tries to help a loved one. On the same note, this book is about finding God, as well as finding a bit of entertainment when you need a good read.

The goal of this book? Showing other addicts all over the world that anything is possible. The book was released on his sobriety anniversary. The author hopes to inspire others to see that addictions can be taken down with a bit of ambition. On the same note, this book raises awareness on certain issues associated with addictions.

High Achiever, by Tiffany Jenkins

Everyone was in shock when they found out that Tiffany Jenkins is trying to recover from an opiate addiction in a cold jail cell. She was a famous cheerleader just a few years ago. She was in a relationship with a deputy sheriff and believe it or not, their friends are the ones who had to actually arrest her and throw her in jail – the news shocked the entire community.

This memoir is raw and unfiltered. It will shock you at times because it feels extremely realistic. It tells Tiffany’s life as an addict – the feelings, emotions, struggle and the impossibility to get out. The book moves further on and tells about the 120 days she had to spend in a jail in Florida – the kind of experience where everyone around her despised what she had done to her boyfriend.

Furthermore, the book also tackles the road to recovery, becoming one of the best addiction recovery books. The honesty in this book is what makes the difference and how people can change will surprise you. It is the type of book that shows you how fast you can go down and how difficult it is to get back on your feet – the good news is it can be done though.

Highlight Real, by Emily Lynn Paulson

Emily Lynn Paulson has written one of the most inspiring books about addiction for women. This book is a gift to women from all over the world. It is not just a gift for women who face addictions, but all women. It is a fast read that will hook you in straight away. It boosts honesty and shows how an apparently beautiful life can turn into an actual nightmare that will lead to self-destruction.

This memoir will most likely become a classic in no time. Back in the day, the author was the head of her class and one of the popular girls in school – she was heading to success. Her life got even better when she was blessed with a husband and five gorgeous children. Then, social media kicked in and her life seemed perfect – the truth is it was perfect.

What most people did not know was the fact that they were seeking inspiration from the wrong role model. Her life seemed perfect, but it was hiding addiction, drama and a dysfunctional reality. Emily realized that her life and family were falling apart – she managed to wake up before it was too late. Her path to recovery is one of the most inspirational books you will ever read.

I Love You More, by Blake E. Cohen

When someone in your family falls ill with an addiction, you simply have no clue where to look for help. Be it a loved one, a parent or a child, you simply do not know where to turn for guidance. This is because society fails to educate people on problems like addiction. Moreover, the stigma associated with addictions usually keeps people away, so no one is willing to step in and help.

This is the type of book that handles emotion as an educational emotion. It is a different type of book on addiction and show how important this aspect is. The author has brought in three different stories. They are all fictional. Their completely different endings tend to make the difference and change one’s perception about addicts – at the same time, the book can help people find support for such issues.

I Love You More is not just fiction. The author himself struggled with an addiction and is on the way to a better life. The book shows different perspectives of this problem, as well as experiences associated with friends and family members. It will teach you what to do and it will motivate you, but it will also open your eyes towards the harsh reality.

In Pillness and in Health, by Henriette Ivanans

Henriette and Kevin made a nice couple. They moved to Los Angeles to follow their dream. But as their dreams get further and further, Henriette develops a passion for pills. She ends up needing a kidney transplant and worried that her husband may not understand the situation, her slight passion becomes a full grown addiction. It turns into a pharmaceutical affair that ends up threatening her life from all directions.

Things escalate when she has her first overdose. Kevin was shattered to pieces, but he loved his wife and decided to sacrifice himself for her. No matter what he is trying to do, it seems that nothing works for his wife. In the end, he believes that donating a kidney will save her life. At the same time, he hopes his kindness will heal his marriage and save his wife from destroying herself.

This book takes the reader into a love story that turns into a drama, only to become a successful story again. It is emotional, sad and devastating at times. It is radical and boosts pure honesty. On the same note, it shines new light in the darkness associated with addictions. An addiction can ruin one’s life in no time, but this book shows how love and ambition can turn everything around.


Bottom line, these are some of the best addiction recovery books out there. While there are plenty of books out there, some of them stand out in the crowd. These are the kind of books that anyone can learn from. Whether you struggle with an addiction yourself or you want to help someone, these books will work wonders in the long run. Again, they will not appeal to everyone, so find something suitable for your needs and it might change your life.

The post 11 Of The Best Addiction Recovery Books To Inspire Your Life appeared first on Joelbooks.

​Best Shockingly Honest Memoirs And Books For Addicts Mon, 22 Feb 2021 15:07:21 +0000

The addiction memoir genre has gained notoriety over the past...

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The addiction memoir genre has gained notoriety over the past few decades. People struggle to get over an addiction and the lack of further support can often push them to go back. Whether they find it difficult to overcome the addiction or they need further motivation to stay clean, honest and encouraging memoirs can certainly help in the process. All in all, here are some of the best books for addicts – brutally honest and extremely supportive for anyone who needs help or wants to learn something about these problems.

Finding North, by Marilyn Davis

Marilyn Davis is a certified recovery specialist, more than three decades after she has managed to overcome her drug addiction. Back then, her life was going downhill. She always had drugs at hand, spent a lot of time with rock bands due to her job, lost her entire family and friends. She was as close as anyone could be to death, but she got back on track.

In 1990, she opened an exquisite residential facility for women – the North House, which won multiple awards for its efficiency and innovative solutions. How did she get from one condition to another? How did she get from almost dying to helping women struggling with the same problems? Believe it or not, her chance included a conversation with an old Native American.

Her whole life changed when Gray Hawk showed her that self-healing is about looking within and taking one small step at a time. This book is about this journey and it will motivate, educate and encourage.

Wishful Drinking, by Carrie Fisher

Wishful Drinking is one of the most emotional books for addicts, yet it has a fair amount of humor too. It is intimate and sobering at the same time. There are various stories from all paths of life that the author has been through. She has been through electroshock therapy, so some of them are clearly less detailed than others – what do you expect after such harsh therapy?

This is the book where many Hollywood secrets are revealed. Families destroyed by celebrities, random dating stories, devastating secrets, people realizing they are gay after already having children and even dead people. This memoir is touching, but it also reveals some secrets some people may not be aware of – lots of addiction involved as well.

Wishful Drinking is so successful because it tells the truth of a bizarre reality full of intimate events, self-depreciation and superior humor. There is a bit of everything for everyone in this book.

Beautiful Boy, by David Sheff

This book is written from a parent's perspective and makes a great read for everyone – those who struggle with an addiction will understand how much they affect their loved ones. Before becoming addicted to crystal meth, Nic was a funny and charming boy. He was a good student and an aspiring student. Once the addiction kicked in, he started lying, stealing and even leaving on the streets.

The author explains the nightmare he had to go through. He mentions the denial, as well as the random 3AM calls – possibly his son, a hospital or the police. He also describes the rehabilitation attempts. Taking care of Nic became an actual addiction, as the desperate father tried his best to get his son back on track.

However, as a journalist, David Sheff simply refused to give up on his son and kept researching one treatment after another. This is a haunting story that will certainly change your perception of your parents.

The Night Of The Gun, by David Carr

This book is not just a memoir written by an addict. Instead, it is also a self-discovery book. The author remembers his life through the moments he loved the most, but is this everything? Definitely not. His book is based on sixty videotaped interviews throughout his worst years. He was a crack house regular, he fought cancer and he had to raise his kid alone – yet, he has managed to become a world renowned journalist.

This book is not just an emotional analysis of his worst years. Instead, it also describes the perception he had back then, as well as how drugs can change the way people see and feel things. Everything he thought and did back then was wrong – from his plans to quit drugs when he became a parent to how lucrative his cocaine dealing business was.

While not every addict's story might be identical, it will certainly open one's eyes and help them understand how they see a completely distorted reality.

Portrait Of An Addict As A Young Man, by Bill Clegg

Life was almost perfect for Bill Clegg. He was a respected literary agent and he had a great partner. His colleagues were his friends too, while his best friends always looked after him. Then, one day, he decided to try crack and he got hooked in. The whole venture took two months of his life and he almost lost everything – from his home and money to his family and life.

What makes a good and thriving young mind want to destroy itself? The author describes the triggers that made him try the drug. Then, he describes his perception from an addict's point of view – a distorted reality that no one else can understand. He talks about the reasons, the shape and the results of his addiction.

This is one of the more honest books for addicts. It is written in a beautiful manner and it features brutal honesty that anyone can learn from.

Lit, by Mary Karr

This incredible memoir is also a sequel to other memoirs. Mary Karr has gained a great reputation based on her memoirs, which tend to educate and help at the same time. All in all, this book is about getting drunk and fixing it. It is about changing one's life by letting things go and learning how to love again. It is touching and it will certainly give you some helpful hints.

This book reminds you how compelling a personal story could become. At the same time, it shows you that the right actions can help anyone out there. It tends to go around your emotions and grab them until you are hooked in – chances are you will finish it in a few reading sessions only. Learn about addiction and all the problems associated with it, as well as random problems that may occur out of nowhere.

Find out how to overcome it or how to help a close friend or relative get over it. Learn from others' personal experiences and do it in a beautiful, relaxing and emotional manner.

Drinking: A Love Story, by Caroline Knapp

This book shows how far an addiction can get, but also the fact that anyone can get affected. In this case, the roots of alcoholism are analyzed in an upper class family, when the daughter becomes addicted out of nowhere, without even realizing that something could go wrong. The author describes how a distorted reality pushed her even further and she also became anorexic – apart from being an alcoholic.

Different people find rescue in different things. In her case, it was literature. She read the right book and sobered up – it sounds simple, but the process was long and exhausting. Believe it or not, she spent almost two decades as an alcoholic. She explains the reasons behind her alcohol consumption – most commonly related to daily realities that no one wants to deal with.

These days, Caroline Knapp is a respected writer and wants to show that if she could do it, so can anyone else.

Parched, by Heather King

Parched is a mix of tragedy, drama and comedy revolving around alcoholism. Now a respected lawyer and writer, Heather King has had her dark years as well as she explored the depths of this addiction. The spiral expanded over a whole decade. Surprisingly enough, she ended up taking shabby jobs and dealing with alcoholism after she has actually graduated from law school.

Luckily for her, her family has always been there for her. Her family saved her, which is a valuable lesson for addicts who tend to reject help from the people who love them. She has managed to understand what kind of mess she was in and unsurprisingly, suffering is what caused the well-deserved redemption. Personal pain helps understanding and helping others.

The book is written in a dramatic manner, but it also features a unique style full of comedy and happy moments, so it features a feel good experience by the end.


In the end, these are some of the best books for addicts you can try out. Whether you feel like you are dealing with an addiction or you need further motivation after escaping from one, any of these books can guide you accordingly and keep you motivated. Moreover, these books are also recommended to those who are actually trying to help a close friend or a family member.​

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Finding North by Marilyn L. Davis Mon, 22 Feb 2021 13:14:00 +0000

A Journey from Addict to Advocate A personal message from...

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A Journey from Addict to Advocate

A personal message from the author:

Finding North is my journey. Throughout my life, I've crossed paths with people just like myself, who ask the same question I did – “What if”?

Sometimes that question was merely a reflection; other times, I wondered what my life could be like if I gave up drugs and alcohol. Then there were the times that I regretted a choice I'd made and felt guilty and thought about how situations or relationships would be different if only…

Have you asked yourself that same question? If you're wondering about giving up drugs and alcohol, I hope this book will encourage you to do so.

Are our external lives similar? Perhaps not, but when it comes to the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of addicts, I'm sure that you'll relate, and that is the purpose of this book. To help you see that you can recover, too.

I wrote this book to show how diverse and yet, distinctly typical an addict's path is. We're all unique, but the same; individuals, but a group.

And in choosing recovery over addiction, we answer our ‘what if' with a different life, better relationships, and learn to help others in their struggles.

As an addict, I hope you find in this memoir the commonality of our feelings, thoughts, and poor choices in our addiction and our ultimate redemption through our recovery.

— Marilyn Davis

Today, Marilyn is a Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialist, recently celebrating thirty-two years of abstinence-based recovery.

From 1990-2011, she opened and managed North House, an award-winning residential facility for women.

Before reaching this milestone, she was a desperate woman on drugs, managing rock bands at night, pretending to be okay, but ultimately giving up on herself, losing her husband, children, and friends due to her addiction.

New in recovery, a chance encounter with Gray Hawk, a 74-year old Native American, showed her that healing herself would include looking within, taking Steps, and creating a house of healing for other women.


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Overcoming by Natasha Ickes Saman Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:05:44 +0000

A Journey From Pain to Peace, Purpose and Power Overcoming...

The post Overcoming by Natasha Ickes Saman appeared first on Joelbooks.


A Journey From Pain to Peace, Purpose and Power

Overcoming is an inspiration to all women who struggle with depression, stagnation and unfulfilment to seek out the peace, power and joy in their own lives.

A personal message from the author:

I wrote this book to share my story with others, with the dual purpose of healing my own wounds and sharing the jewels that saved my life. I am open, honest and raw with it all. Depression, addiction, abandonment and a suicide attempt that landed me in a mental institution. But this isn't a sad story or one that requires pity. At all times I take responsibility, give thanks to God and in turn transform my life. I want to help women get out of their own way. If I was able to overcome my past anyone can. If I could run a 6 figure business for over a decade so can you. I pray my story will show that anyone can overcome their circumstances and create the life of their dreams.

— Natasha Ickes Saman

She was a little girl who loved ice skating, reading and music. Yet from a young age Natasha felt different. She struggled with depression, feelings of abandonment and low self esteem. At 9 she stood with a knife pressed to her wrist, contemplating taking her own life. By 17 she was a pregnant high school dropout.

The next several years were filled with drugs and homelessness on the violent streets of Oakland. She survived through God, her intuition and a profound desire to change. One day she discovered a secret that would change her life forever. This poignant memoir follows Natasha’s journey from a depressed child, to a suicidal teen, to a successful business woman. It is a story of survival and beating the odds. It is how one woman overcame chronic depression, addiction and the battles of her own mind. It is a story of love and pain, tragedy and triumph, failures and wins.

Overcoming is for anyone who never felt like enough. It is a powerful story for those ready to get out of their own way and create the life of their dreams.


Read online Overcoming by Natasha Ickes Saman

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