25 Books From The New York Times Bestseller List 2022 · An In Depth Analysis

New York Times Best Sellers 2022 Fiction Non-fiction and Childrens books web

In depth analysis of New York Times 2022 Bestseller List. Discovering the ultimate book hits of 2022.

The New York Times Bestseller List is compiled using data from hundreds of independent bookstores across the United States. In order to make the list, a book must sell over 5000-15,000 copies in a single week.

The New York Times bestseller list is widely considered to be the most authoritative measure of book sales in the United States. Many readers use the list to decide which books to buy and read. For authors, getting on the list can mean increased sales and recognition.

Becoming a New York Times bestseller is no easy feat, but it is certainly an achievable goal for many experienced authors.

We analyzed New York Times Bestseller List between dates November 23, 2021 and November 22, 2022 (365 days). Why didn't we analyze the whole year 2022? Simply because we intent to help readers and offer the top titles before the beginning of holiday season.

I always want to check the most popular book titles, what everyone is talking about. For that purpose The New York Times Bestseller List is one of the best option for avid readers.

Now let's see the top 2022 New York Times Bestselling books so far.

Some Facts About New York Times Bestseller List 2022

Our Methodology

Usually a book's popularity decided that how long (how many weeks) the book is on The New York Times Bestseller List. But we all know that there are certain classic books that have an advantage in this respect, not to mention Harry Potter, which is 711 weeks on the list the time I'm writing this article. There are also highly popular books from the recent years, that became a mainstream success.

To avoid these non-sense metrics we analyzed The New York Times Bestseller List on daily basis.

We assigned a daily score metric to every book based on it's daily rank, this way we could calculate how many days the exact book was on the list and the sum score point that indicates how popular it was against other titles on the list. You will also find an overall (#) rank under each title.

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#1 New York Times Best Sellers of 2022 · Fiction

It Ends with Us, by Colleen Hoover (2016)

(#1 · Score · 5,443 & Days on List · 365)

It hasn’t always been easy on Lily, but she's worked hard to find a life that she dreamed of. She left the small town in Maine where she grew up. Graduated from school and moved to Boston, where she started her own business. As her relationship with a handsome neurosurgeon Ryle begins to spark, everything Lily touches starts to turn into “gold”.

Heartbreaking, sad and so real. What I really like about CoHo's books is that, despite the fact that you guess what the story has in store for you, you always get more than you imagined. Her stories have an underlying, more serious and thought-provoking content that touches the reader whether he wants to or not.


New York Times Fiction Best Sellers of 2022 · Best Books Released in 2022

Run Rose Run, by Dolly Parton and James Patterson (2022)

(#17 · Score · 742 & Days on List · 70)

From America ‘s most respected author and its most beloved superstar, a close-fought thriller about a young songwriter's rise and running, do whatever it takes to survive.

Will the country lose this rising star so close to the launch of her career or can she survive to fulfill her destiny of being an unforgettable superstar?

The author duo really brought the music world together with the dark and intimate world of crime. If you enjoy a romances, suspense and mystery, then you will enjoy Run, Rose, Run.


Fairy Tale, by Stephen King (2022)

(#21 · Score · 557 & Days on List · 64)

Traveling to a secret other world to save your old, sick dog sounds simple, doesn't it?

The dark fantasy novel, Fairy Tale was just creepy enough to reflect the author's style, but at the same time, it doesn't slip into the morbid category. The novel contains elements from almost all classic fairy tales. Some of them reminded me of Gladiator, The Chronicles of Narnia and Game of Thrones, all spiced up with a bit of King's horror.

The characters are unique and lovable, Stephen brilliantly connects Charlie's story with the heroes of classic tales, and even gives an insight into modern classics. The plot unfolds slowly, but I consider it a deliberate storytelling decision from the author.


The Hotel Nantucket, by Elin Hilderbrand (2022)

(#24 · Score · 469 & Days on List · 70)

In 1922, a fire at the Hotel Nantucket killed 19 year old chambermaid Grace Hadley. The Hotel then become more and more abandoned, the once beautiful and bright inner walls slowly withered. Until Xavier Darling, a British billionaire, purchased and revived it.

Xavier hires Lizbet Keaton as his general manager, and Lizbet, in turn, assembles an energetic and inexperienced team with the purpose of turning around the hotel's destiny.

Filled with the emotional surge and multiple points of view that characterize Elin's books (The Blue Bistro, Golden Girl), Hotel Nantucket likewise offers an intriguing historical travel.


Book Lovers, by Emily Henry (2022)

(#25 · Score · 455 & Days on List · 42)

What a great women's fiction! It reminded me of Gilmore Girls, small town, small community, fierce dialogues and funny brainstorming between the characters. The grumpy guy who runs the café (bookstore), and the cut-tongued heroine.

It was great to get a glimpse into the world of book editing and book agent work, and the characters grew very close to the reader's heart.

I liked that the novel was mainly humorous, but at the same time it had depth, the characters were multifaceted and there were many heartbreaking parts that proved that the author has more in her story bag.


Sparring Partners, by John Grisham (2022)

(#26 · Score · 441 & Days on List · 49)

The legal-mystery thriller book by John Grisham, Sparring Partners, is an intriguing collection of three stories.

The first story's set in the fictional county of Ford County, it takes readers back to Jake Brigance – a character familiar to those who have read some of Grisham's previous works.

The second story is a tale about 29-year-old Cody Wallace, who is sentenced to death and is just three hours away from his execution. The story follows Cody as he tries desperately to stay alive in the face of insurmountable odds, with each passing second ticking down towards his execution.

The novella takes readers through the twists and turns of Cody’s experience as he unravels the mystery surrounding him. Grisham paints an intense portrait of how life can quickly spiral out of control while exploring themes such as justice, morality and guilt.

The third story brings us into the law firm of Kirk and Rusty. This law firm is home to much more than just legal battles though, it's a place where relationships are challenged and secrets kept behind closed doors. Only one person Diantha Bradshaw might bring a turn into the life of the company and their leaders.


It Starts with Us, by Colleen Hoover (2022)

(#27 · Score · 440 & Days on List · 22)

I couldn't even remember when was a book so awaited as the second book of It Ends with Us series. At the moment I'm writing this article the book only spend 22 days on the New York Times Bestseller List, but within this days it already reached the 27th position overall. On Amazon the book has up to 44,500 reviews and was a certain best seller far before it's release.

If I would name a celeb author from the 2020s I would definitely call CoHo. She isn't an everyday women's fiction writer. It Starts with Us is full of drama and the story is very relatable with all of it's roughness.

I have to admit, I was one of those who wanted a sequel for Lily and Atlas, and just when I was about to come to terms with the end of their story, when the news came, there would be a sequel. And how good that he came. I loved every single line, and it was so nice to finally see inside Atlas's head.


New York Times Fiction Best Sellers of 2022 · Best Coming of Age Book

Where the Crawdads Sing, by Delia Owens (2018)

(#5 · Score · 2,667 & Days on List · 287)

Delia Owens' novel takes place on the sparsely populated, swampy coast of North Carolina in the 1950s and '60s. The protagonist of the story is a little girl, Kya Clark, left to her fate in the moorland, who settles down to self-sufficiency in her isolation over the years, and barely interacts with the people in the area.

However, the first love also turns Kya's life upside down: Tate, who lives in a small town nearby, teaches her to read, and he is the one with whom she can share her love of nature and poetry. But Tate is not the only one who is interested in the special girl for himself. After a mysterious murder, the local community is in turmoil, and suspicion soon turns to the “Marsh Girl” who lives alone in the swamp.

Also thanks to the movie release of this fantastical story, Where the Crawdads Sing became also an absolute hit on the New York Times Best Seller List.


New York Times Fiction Best Sellers of 2022 · Best Women's Book

Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, by Taylor Jenkins Reid (2021)

(#10 · Score · 1,330 & Days on List · 301)

If I didn't know that it was a fictional story, I would still think that the author wrote about real life events, so detailed and realistic was Evelyn's life.

Evelyn Hugo lived a really interesting life, which everyone wanted to delve into, but no one could grasp the truth. I was a little afraid that we would go back and forth, but fortunately, the author narrated the events in a linear fashion. I really enjoyed listening to the parts about Evelyn's life, the glamor of Hollywood, the impossible expectations, the prejudices, the difficulties and all the scandals.

If you feel courage to jump into the old luxury days of Hollywood than Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo would be a great heart-wrecking read.


New York Times Fiction Best Sellers of 2022 · Best Spiritual Book

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, by Charlie Mackesy (2019)

(#11 · Score · 1,253 & Days on List · 322)

The popular British illustrator Charlie Mackesy created an exceptional book seeks to answer the life's big questions. It has something to say for all ages. The volume is illustrated with a hundreds of color and black-and-white drawings.

We can draw inspiration and hope in difficult times from this spiritual book. The beautifully illustrated book has four characters: the Little Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, who develop a special friendship and discover the shocking truths of life together.

In this soul-warming, handwritten volume interwoven with subtle wit, in addition to Mackesy's most popular illustrations (such as Help, which has been shared more than a million times on the world wide web), you can also find new, previously unseen works.

A modern classic was born, it mixes the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh and Tao, The Alchemist and The Giving Tree.


#1 New York Times Best Sellers of 2022 · Non-Fiction

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. (2014)

(#2 · Score · 5,122 & Days on List · 365)

This profoundly compassionate book offers insight into the causes and consequences of trauma. Providing encouragement and peace to anyone who has been devastated by the devastating effects of trauma.

Trauma is one of the greatest social challenges to our time, not just from accidents and crimes, but from hidden and lasting harm resulting from sexual and domestic violence, and child abuse in communities.

We get a glimpse of how powerful our human relationships can be, whether within the family or at the level of our wider community, both in terms of injury and healing.


New York Times Non-fiction Best Sellers of 2022 · Best Non-fiction Books Released In 2022

I'm Glad My Mom Died, by Jennette McCurdy (2022)

(#16 · Score · 756 & Days on List · 92)

Jennette McCurdy was a Nickelodeon teen star from iCarly and Sam & Cat.

This is a very well written memoir. It's unbelievable how much her mother was able to manipulate this girl (the author), even as an adult. Everything that happened to Jennette in her life, the things that her mother did to her, that she made her do as she raised her, is so horrible.

Jennette was more backward than her contemporaries in many ways, but on the other side she lived as much as two people. I hope she gets over his childhood in time.


New York Times Non-fiction Best Sellers of 2022 · Teaching

Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer (2013)

(#8 · Score · 1,624 & Days on List · 351)

Robin Wall Kimmerer is an educator, and a scientist. Her descriptions are beautiful, but often lengthy. If you're unfamiliar with the concepts of science and academics, the book may be tiresome. But the knowledge of the book is invaluable.

The author delivery her ideas in elegance and grace. Wall Kimmerer combines her own life experiences and those of her half American Indian and half white settler ancestry into her writing. Her stories blend her botanical and scientific background with that of the Native American way of life, knowledge and wisdom.


New York Times Non-fiction Best Sellers of 2022 · Self-help

Atlas of the Heart, Brené Brown (2021)

(#9 · Score · 1,414 & Days on List · 287)

With this book you receive a personal emotional hand dictionary.

I used to tell myself, that my weakness is my real strength, turned out to be not weakness at all, but vulnerability.

If you're looking for a book that will help improve your emotional intelligence, Atlas of the Heart will bring the wisdom to you. This book is packed with useful information and personal stories that will help you better understand and manage your emotions. You won't be disappointed with the results.


#1 New York Times Best Sellers of 2022 · Advice, Health, How-to

Atomic Habits, by James Clear (2018)

(#3 · Score · 3,129 & Days on List · 365)

People think that if they want to change their lives, they have to think big. However, world-renowned habit expert James Clear discovered another way. You know that real change is the result of the cumulative effect of hundreds of small decisions, decisions as small as two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes earlier, or one short phone call.

In her groundbreaking book, the author explains exactly how these tiny changes grow into life-transforming results.

My favorite part was the one in which James discussed the connections between identity and customs. The extent to which a fixed self-image limits the recognition of possibilities and the malleability of habits.

He also tries to relax beliefs about the fixedness of genes, their quality that determines personality and destiny, with examples and a change of perspective.


#1 New York Times Best Sellers of 2022 · Children's Picture Books

Creepy Crayon! (Creepy Tales!), by Aaron Reynolds (2022)

(#23 · Score · 532 & Days on List · 70)

This new Jasper the Rabbit story was the third in the Creepy Tales! series.

A new children's book about the well known rabbit is making its rounds and charming everyone who reads it. The illustrations are wonderful, the storyline is engaging, and the overall feel of the book is just delightful. However, some parents are worried about the book's title: Creepy Crayon!.

They worry that their children will be scared by the word “creepy” in the title. But according to those who have read the book, there's nothing really scary about it at all.

If you're looking for a great new children's book to read, don't let the title scare you away from this one.


#1 New York Times Best Sellers of 2022 · Children's Series

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (17 Book Series), by Jeff Kinney (Since 2012)

(#4 · Score · 3,013 & Days on List · 365)

Don't ask how Greg Heffley spent his summer vacation, because he refuses to talk about it. As the new school year begins, Greg eagerly erases the past three months from his memory…one event in particular.

Unfortunately, his brother Rodrick knows everything about the case, which Greg wants to bury deep. But secrets have a way of getting out…especially when a diary is involved.

I think it's a very humorous illustrated children's book series. The drawings make it even more special. You can go fast with it and it's perfect for relaxing (even for adults)!


New York Times Best Sellers · Worth To Mention

Further New York Times Best Seller Fiction Books

Further New York Times Best Seller Non-fiction Books

Further New York Times Best Seller Children's Books

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