Dystopian Archives - Joelbooks https://joelbooks.com/category/fiction/dystopian/ Selected quality books read by Joelbooks book club Tue, 10 Oct 2023 12:03:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.4 https://i0.wp.com/joelbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/wp-1626157867628.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Dystopian Archives - Joelbooks https://joelbooks.com/category/fiction/dystopian/ 32 32 154781010 John’s Awakening by Fábio Santos https://joelbooks.com/johns-awakening-by-fabio-santos/ Tue, 10 Oct 2023 12:03:41 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=29891

The Elite Demon-Slayers Saga Book 1 In a world shattered...

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The Elite Demon-Slayers Saga Book 1

In a world shattered by a cataclysmic event, remnants of advanced technology lie in ruins amid the ever-present threat of demonic creatures. Humanity's survival hinges on the Elite Demon-Slayer team, legendary super-soldiers armed with rare crystal-infused weaponry. Their mission: to protect the remnants of civilization against nightmarish creatures born from the apocalypse.

Amidst the chaos, a trail of secrets, betrayal, and political intrigue unfolds. When Jackson, a trusted member of the Elite team, mysteriously disappears, the team's unity crumbles. Urgent transmissions from Agency headquarters disrupt their operation, revealing a startling truth: Jackson's disappearance is linked to a web of treachery that could jeopardize humanity's last stronghold.


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​10+ Post Apocalyptic Romance Books (Ranked) To See Love In A Different Way (Updated in 2023) https://joelbooks.com/post-apocalyptic-romance-books/ Sat, 30 Sep 2023 06:10:00 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=13722

If you are the type who enjoys a bit of...

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If you are the type who enjoys a bit of post-apocalyptic action, you should know that this genre can go in more directions. Practically, you can find some good post apocalyptic romance books, as well as thrillers, among many others.

Hunger Games and Post Apocalyptic Romance Books

In the past few years, a new genre of romance books has taken the literary world by storm: dystopian or post apocalyptic romances. These novels are set in post apocalyptic worlds where survival is the key to winning the heart of your true love. The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins is one of the most popular examples of this genre.

These stories offer readers a glimpse into a world that is both terrifying and fascinating, and ultimately, they remind us that even in the darkest of times, love will always find a way to shine through.

Why Do We Enjoy Post Apocalyptic Romance Novels?

When the world as we know it comes to an end, will love still find a way?

That's the question at the heart of post apocalyptic romance books. In these stories, the apocalypse is just the beginning. The real adventure is what comes after, as survivors band together and rebuild society in the aftermath.

These stories are about hope and resilience in the face of unimaginable odds. They're about finding love in unlikely places, and learning to trust again when everything has been lost.

There's something about the post-apocalyptic romance novel that just speaks to us. Maybe it's the idea of endurance. Maybe it's the promise of a new world, free from the constraints of our old one.

In a world that has been ravaged by war or disaster, there is still the possibility of love and happiness. These stories give us hope that even in the darkest of times, we can find love and rebuild our lives.

We enjoy these novels because they offer escapism. In our own lives, we may feel trapped by our jobs, our families, or our responsibilities and we would never choose another contemporary story over fantasy.

If you're looking for a read that will make your heart race and your pulse pound, then look no further.

All in all, nothing is more romantic than love after the world seems to end, so we ranked some of the most exciting titles to hook you in.

What Are The Most Immersive Post Apocalyptic Romance Books?

01 Pestilence (The Four Horsemen Book 1) , by Laura Thalassa

There are four riders out there, and they spread death. Pestilence is one of them. The others are known as Death, Famine, and War. They spread very quickly, and they aim to destroy the whole world in a way that some people might have expected.

Pestilence arrives in Sara Burn’s town. Pretty much everyone is set to die. But Sara is not ready to give up on her friends and family. The horseman must be stopped at all costs. However, what Sara does not know is that Pestilence is immortal.

The horseman is upset now and takes Sara prisoner. He wants to make her suffer. But as she spends more time with him, she realizes that her feelings are about to change. Now, she could save the world if she tried hard enough, but that would mean giving love up.

02 Last Light, by Claire Kent

Everyone could see the world falling apart, but people imagined things could still be turned around. It all started about four years ago, and the process is almost over. The world is different now, and most people are dead. The story is told from the heroine's point of view. Her whole family is dead, and she is now forced to travel and find other survivors.

She needs to stay away from men, as they are more violent than ever. She will have to eat whatever she can find, but the good news is she has a partner in this whole adventure. She will have to trust Travis – by herself, she stands no chance at all.

Travis used to be that guy who can do anything. He used to fix her car too. However, he is not the friendliest person in the world. He is a bit gruff – not really the type people like. He is everything she has left, so she cannot afford to be picky about it. The two will have to learn to take care of each other. She knows she will be safe with him.

03 Insurgent, by Veronica Roth

A single choice can change everything – no doubts about it. It could help you fly, but it could also take you down. Each choice out there has some consequences. Tris Prior needs to focus on her fate – saving the ones around her. She deals with grief and sadness herself, but she knows that others need her more in their lives.

Tris has just been initiated, and a potential celebration has ended up in horror. A war has started, and everyone must pick a side. Her decisions could make the difference between life and death. She is discovering new things, meeting new people, and trying to find a way out of the mess. She knows she needs to embrace her destiny, but she has no idea what she is about to lose.

This is the second book in the Divergent series and by far the most exciting one. It might be better if you could start the series with the first one though, so you could get some background info first.

04 Beyond Shame, by Kit Rocha 

Honestly speaking, most books interests me in light of the characters or protagonists.

Jasper is an enforcer for O'Kane Gang in Sector 4. He is sincere, level-headed, quietly mannered, and surprisingly considerate about different things (from when I first started reading about the enforcer in a gang in the dystopia, a realization became a really great pleasure).

Noelle, the heroine, is from Eden. Raised in a practically sterile environment with no touch or love, no kindness or feelings, and definitely no emotions or desires; her only objective in life was to be a pretty hostess, knowledgeable about serving and preparing for guests, and then quietly put away when her time was up. Before long, she realizes that's not what she's really searching for.

Her inquisitiveness often awakens in me. However, what I was fond of is that Noelle could become her own autonomous person without Jasper. I loved that there was a touch of irony in her liberating herself.

The story is somewhere similar to Hunger Games, but with a few key differences. First and foremost, the main male character is much more charming than in other dystopian novels. Additionally, the story is more for adults than teens at least in terms how the protagonist think and act.

I loved the way the personalities of the characters were written. They all have their own individuality and life. I consider these are true individuals and I'm captivated by the romance between Noelle and Jasper.

05 Angelfall, by Susan Ee

The world is threatened by an apocalypse, and angelic creatures are getting ready to take it over. The world is no longer what it used to be – chaos and anarchy dominate it. At some point, these angels end up kidnapping a little girl. Her sister Penryn decides to try whatever she can to save her.

Penryn is ready for anything, and that could mean making deals with the evil angels. Then, you get to meet Raffe. He used to be a warrior, but he is spending his time on the street now. One thing leads to another, and one day, his life is saved by a teenage girl.

The two team up against the demonic angels, without really having a plan. They know they can only rely on each other. Hanging around California and aiming to reach San Francisco, they will do whatever they can to rescue Penryn’s sister. Will they manage to survive this battle?

06 Beyond the Night, by Colleen Gleason

Dr. Elliott Drake has access to some modern technologies. He ends up sleeping for 50 years, only to wake up in a completely different world. Cities are now ruins. Civilization is gone. Immortals hang around the streets and threaten to kill everyone. However, one of his powers allows him to heal anything, but it comes with a price.

Then, you meet Jade. She has managed to escape the immortals, and she knows the world will never be the same. The best thing she can do is seek revenge and do whatever it takes to cause some damage. She cannot trust anyone, until she meets Elliott, and the two realize they have a lot in common.

But no matter how handsome and charming he is, the doctor does have a few secrets. Should she open her heart to him? What if he is going to break it? All in all, the duo must come together in order to survive in this modern world. They have the desire, but they also need the will to survive – one of the best post apocalyptic romance books out there in terms of action.

07 Nightfall, by Ellen Connor

Jenna has learned to ignore her father. He is careless and does not seem very stable – instead, he keeps preaching about the apocalypse and an unavoidable end of the world. As crazy as his predictions seem to be, there are signs that they may actually be true. Surprisingly for her, he also has a plan to keep her safe as the end approaches.

No one really knows that Jenna’s father has saved Mason’s life – an ex-Marine from his past. Therefore, the old man relies on the soldier to keep her safe in a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere. Skilled and experienced, the man is ready for the end of the world, but Jenna still fails to believe him. Until one day, when everything collapses and mutant dogs show up and start wrecking everything around.

Five strangers show up one day, looking for shelter. Jenna ignores Mason and decides to rescue them. Everything they knew about their world is different now. In such times, the two will naturally bond and let their natural instincts kick in. They will learn to survive, but also to open their hearts to each other.

08 Praying for Rain, by B. B. Easton

This is one of the most intense post apocalyptic romance books out there and the first book in The Rain Trilogy. The apocalypse is not more than three days away. The action takes place in a small town from Georgia. Everyone has given up – abandoned homes, cars, and even people everywhere. Rainbow Williams is one of these people.

Rain is not really bothered about the end of the world. She knows it is inevitable. She knows she cannot avoid it. Therefore, she is waiting for it. She got used to the idea. She is in pain, and she knows that she only has to deal with it until the 23rd of April.

On the other hand, Wes Parker is a survivor. He is good looking and skilled – he is looking for shelter and some supplies. However, he also needs someone to help him out, and this is how he runs into Rain. Rain and Wes learn to survive together. They end up trusting each other, and they realize they can only succeed if they stick together – plus, their hearts open up as well.

09 Ensnared (Brutes of Bristlebrook Book 1), by Rebecca Quinn (2023)

After the ‘Final War', a solitary woman finds solace in her secluded cave, cherished vegetable patch, and the company of her books. This peaceful existence is disrupted when she's chased from her refuge by hunters and ends up in the custody of several imposing ex-Army Rangers. These men make a shocking proposal: protection in exchange for her intimacy.

While the proposition is scandalous, she can't deny her attraction to them. However, as she begins to uncover their secrets and traumatic pasts, it becomes clear that they see her as a subordinate, not an equal. This dynamic is at odds with her desire for respect and partnership.

I was thoroughly engrossed by the first part of Brutes of Bristlebrook. Set in a post-apocalyptic backdrop, the series jumps into the dynamics between a lone survivor and a group of ex-Army Rangers. The mix of tension, humor, and touchy themes makes it a great read. The story has its ups and downs, but the ending?

10 Broken, by Imogen Keeper

The world has changed a lot. People know they are going to die, but this is different – they are going to die anytime soon. Total annihilation is just around the corner, and no one seems to have a solution for it, unfortunately.

Now, if you think about it, would you actually want to be among the survivors? Could you live without your loved ones? Would you have the strength to rebuild the world from scratch? When 99% of the population is about to die, the remaining 1% will most likely end up stressed, scared, and capable of unbelievable things.

Frankie does not care much and could get along with anything, regardless of what happens. Then, you have Yorke – he knows that if people are about to die, he will be the one making rules. They had no clue about each other before the apocalypse, but things are about to change.

Overall, the author introduced a really exciting plot in her first post apocalyptic romance book.

11 Outside (Outside Series Book 1), by by Shalini Boland (2023)

Sixteen years after riots devastated Britain, the nation exists in fragmented pockets of civilization, isolated by security walls. The protagonist, living sheltered within these walls, is thrust into a perilous journey outside when her sister Skye is murdered and a stranger infiltrates their compound. Along with her best friend Luc, she faces constant threats from violent outsiders.

Their pursuit leads them to a fortress run by the menacing James Grey, where brainwashed children are kept. The protagonist discovers a link between this fortress and her sister's killer, realizing the stakes extend beyond personal revenge — the future of the entire world hinges on stopping James Grey.

This story is a refreshing take on the romantic dystopian genre. While many novels in this category often tread familiar territory, Boland's work stands out for its deep-rooted emotional resonance and multi-dimensional characters. The backdrop of a post-riot Britain, fragmented and fraught with danger, sets a chilling yet enthralling stage for the protagonist's journey.

Unlike other romantic dystopian fictions which sometimes place romance at the forefront, this novel masterfully intertwines the personal stakes of the protagonist's quest with the larger, more pressing challenges of the dystopian world. Luc's character is particularly memorable, not just as a love interest but as a testament to human resilience and camaraderie in the face of adversity. While there are clear nods to predecessors like Veronica Roth and Kiera Cass, Boland carves out a unique niche for herself with her evocative storytelling and compelling world-building.

Final Thoughts on Post Apocalyptic Romance Books

In the future, the post-apocalyptic romance book genre is likely to continue to grow in popularity. This is due to the fact that the genre offers a unique combination of suspense, excitement, and romance. Additionally, the genre often explores themes of hope and redemption, which can be appealing to readers.

However, the genre may also begin to change in some ways. For example, there may be more focus on stories set in different time periods or with different types of characters. Additionally, the landscape of post apocalyptic romances may begin to shift as well, with more books taking place in fantasy settings or featuring more diverse cast of characters.

In the end, these are some of the most exciting post apocalyptic romance books out there. Experience what the end of the world would look like, but also find out how love and romance can change everything if you find the right person.​

You can also check our selection of the best zombie books, we wrote recently.

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Blood For Love by Chris M. Finkelstein https://joelbooks.com/blood-for-love-by-chris-m-finkelstein/ Mon, 18 Sep 2023 09:07:10 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=29469

A mother and son are part of an ancient cult...

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A mother and son are part of an ancient cult of “love-lovers” who are despised, hunted, and tortured to death on a dystopic planet of reptilians in which love is outlawed.

Blood for Love is a riveting tale set in a dystopian world where love is not just taboo but a criminal offense. The story follows Martha, a member of a secret organization called LERN, who is a “love-lover” in a society governed by the NOV, an organization that enforces the criminalization of love. Martha's struggle is twofold: she has to navigate the complexities of loving her son Jan while preparing for the inevitable “Love-Deprogramming” school, a harrowing experience that could lead to their permanent separation. The stakes are high, and the emotional tension is palpable as Martha grapples with the draconian laws designed to break even the most resilient of “love-lovers”.

The narrative also delves into the collective aspirations of LERN members, who dream of escaping to form their own colony. However, the harsh realities of their world—ranging from NOV hunters to the unforgiving wilderness—pose significant challenges. The author masterfully creates a three-dimensional world that is both relatable and foreign, capturing the essence of a society where love is a radical act. The story is not just a critique of authoritarian regimes but also an exploration of the human condition, examining what it means to love and be loved in a world that has criminalized the very essence of human connection.

What sets Blood for Love apart is its balanced storytelling. It's not just a series of action sequences or a heavy-handed moral tale; it's a well-rounded narrative with depth and nuance. The inclusion of reptilian characters adds an intriguing layer to the story, appealing to fans of fantasy and science fiction. While the book does touch upon themes that could be interpreted as religious or moralistic, it does so in a way that complements rather than overshadows the main plot. Whether you're a fan of dystopian fiction, complex characters, or even reptilians, Blood for Love offers something for everyone. It's a compelling read that will leave you eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series.

Dystopian fantasy books will come and go, but Blood For Love has already been called a classic by the creator of the Harry Potter Fanclub website.


Excerpt from Blood For Love © Copyright 2023 Chris M. Finkelstein

Jan turned his attention back to his mother. “Can you play music?” he asked her.

Martha sighed, and put down her knife. “What do you want to hear?”

She’s going to do it! “Stahs at Night,” Jan responded excitedly. He loved that tune. It made him feel happy.

“Well, at least it will keep you busy until I'm done cooking breakfast.” She gave his crest a rub.

Jan had a singularly unusual crest. Whereas Aletians had crests with shades that were a bit darker than their natural gray scale coloring, Jan’s crest was very different. It had irregular yellow-gold stripes, running vertically on a rather white crest. The crest coloring stopped at the base of his skull and faded into the usual gray as the crest became minimal along the spine, and into the tail. When he was first born, the entire crest, from head to tail tip, was yellow-gold on white. While out in public, people would stare at him, but those who were familiar eventually got used to it.

Martha went and fetched the music player from a drawer, and placed it on the kitchen table. She took the case that came with it, picked out a spool, and inserted it in the player. Then she threaded the metallic string through the guides to the receiving empty spool. She turned it on and the empty spool started turning, pulling the string through the guides. The music started.

Jan jumped up and down, clapping his hands. “I love you, Mama!” he yelled loudly.

Jan's outburst startled Martha. By reflex, fear shot through her, and she ducked. “No!” She quickly spun around, turned the music off, and squatted down to Jan’s eye level.

Jan had no doubt something was wrong. “What Mama?”

Martha grabbed both of Jan’s shoulders and said “Jan, please listen to me. The bad police will come and get you, and take me away forever if they catch you say the word “love”. Do you understand?” she asked with extraordinary intensity.

Jan just looked at her with his big, wide eyes, and said, “No, I don’t.”

Martha sighed and looked up, as if an answer were up there. She looked directly at Jan again and said, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand why. They are bad police, and they hate the word ‘love'. They will hurt you! They will kill Mama. You don’t want that do you?” she asked, shaking her head “no” so as to lead him in the same head motion. It worked.

Jan was now shaking his head “no”. He said, “I won’t say that bad word again!”

Martha responded, saying, “Baby, ‘love’ isn’t a bad word, except to bad people. If you want to tell me you love me, you have to whisper it in my ear, OK? And I have told you many times never to say ‘love’ in front of Daddy, because he works with the bad soldiers.”

“Daddy is bad!” Jan said, with attitude.

“No, dear, Daddy is not bad. You just don’t understand. He loves you too, but he cannot say it, even to himself.” She sighed. How do I explain this nonsense to a three year old? Another sigh. “Here, give me a hug, you little blog!” He jumped into her arms with a big smile.

She whispered in his ear, “I love you.”

He giggled, “That makes my ear itchy!” He whispered back into her ear “I love you,” and now she giggled. She gave him a quick tickle, and went back to finish cooking breakfast.

A little later, she called Jan to come eat. Jan had a good appetite, and cleaned his plate. He wanted her to be happy with him, and she always was when he would finish it all. After they finished up, she sat with Jan in the living room and read to him for a while. It’s so nice when Mama can stay at home with me, he thought.

There came a light knocking at the door.

“Rebecca!” yelled Jan, as he jumped out of his mother’s lap. He ran into the kitchen and up the stairs to the entry door. He opened it, and there was Rebecca, his favorite friend in the world. “Hi Rebecca!” he said, come in and let’s play! I have a game out for us.” Jan then said, unexpectedly serious.

Rebecca, suddenly distracted, ignored his remark for the moment.

“Look!” she said, as she pointed to a large six-contiss bus passing by on their street.

They both looked at it. It was unusual to see a bus that big on this street.

She jubilantly exclaimed, “Aren’t they beautiful?” Rebecca had some toy contiss figures in her house, and she cherished them.

Jan readily agreed. The fact that such a large animal was not dangerous was intriguing. He knew what was coming next.

“I can’t believe they can fly,” Rebecca said. “I’d love to see it.”

A contiss was about twelve feet tall at the head, and ten feet tall at the shoulders and rear. They were a dirty brown color for the most part, but what was unique was that they had a shroud of loose leathery hide that fell between the front and back legs, enabling them to leap from almost any height, and glide to a landing, It would land by balling up and rolling out of it, unfortunate rider or not. Along with the shrouds, which looked like a skirt, they had vertical, (from the side,) bands of thick-scaled hide that looked like armour running over their shoulders and torso. The bands ran from one side of the contiss to the other, and each band was about a foot or less in width. The bands closest to the neck or tail became narrower.

After the bus passed, Rebecca mused, “I wish I had one,” but with the entertainment over, they turned and went inside. Rebecca passed Jan on the way downstairs, sniffing the breakfast aroma that still lingered.

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Echoes of the Dark Sun by Joseph A. Sackett https://joelbooks.com/echoes-of-the-dark-sun-by-joseph-a-sackett/ Mon, 26 Jun 2023 11:53:34 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=28289

A Kerrigan Survival Saga Book 1 Echoes of the Dark...

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A Kerrigan Survival Saga Book 1

Echoes of the Dark Sun: A Kerrigan's Quest is a gripping tale of a family's unyielding resilience and hope in a post-EMP apocalyptic world, battling scarcity, anarchy, and violence, their journey a testament to human spirit in the face of terrifying adversity.

A Desperate Battle for Survival in a World Plunged into Darkness

Echoes of the Dark Sun is the first installment in the “Dark Skies: A Kerrigan Survival Saga.” It sets the stage for a post-apocalyptic world brought to its knees by an EMP attack. In this world devoid of electronics, law, and order, the Kerrigan family finds themselves thrust into a desperate battle for survival.

John Kerrigan, an ex-Navy SEAL, uses his training and instincts to keep his family safe in the face of dire circumstances. His wife, Lisa, provides the emotional strength, their daughter, Emily, embodies resilience, and their son, Max, the spirit of hope. Together, they navigate through the initial days of the EMP aftermath, facing challenges like scarce food, dwindling water supplies, a neighborhood sliding into anarchy, and the relentless threat of violence.

As the neighborhood descends into chaos, the Kerrigan's find themselves locked in a deadly struggle to secure their home and resources. The family endures heartbreaking losses and unimaginable choices, each event shaping their journey and testing their resolve.

Echoes of the Dark Sun more than a story of survival. It's a testament to the power of family, resilience, and hope in the face of overwhelming adversity. It leaves readers on the edge of their seats, eager to follow the Kerrigan's on their harrowing journey through the dark skies of their new reality.

Amazon Author's Amazon Page

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Jovian Eclipse by Asher Farlow https://joelbooks.com/jovian-eclipse-by-asher-farlow/ Fri, 24 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=26494

In an era where Earth has become a distant painful...

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In an era where Earth has become a distant painful memory, the descendants of those fortunate to have fled had taken with them more than just their lives memories and pain, war followed them.

For the tragedy of Earth was but the first chapter in an ongoing struggle for dominance over the minds of Humanity. Mining bases have gone dark, squadrons of warships carry out wargames while the droning masses are fed a copious diet of propaganda.

Beings beyond imagining, some pawns in this great game, are waiting for the coming collapse. As pieces move into place, whisper turns to rumor as thoughts become reality, zero hour approaches. In the chaos and mass confusion the Jupiter Sector orders the thawing of a young woman from stasis.

It is her first day awake since the war. It is the year 2412, and nothing will be the same, again.


Excerpt from Jovian Eclipse © Copyright 2023 Asher Farlow

The sweet aroma of cherry blossoms in spring bloom gave little comfort as a swift gust of wind blew in from the coastline chilled an already icy heart. Swaying herself side to side, she could not escape the horrors endured, let alone partake in. It was to be her last midday stroll through the garden of her childhood home.

A foot-wide cobblestone pathway snaked up to the small pagoda, its edges lined with tiny lamps. Serene hills cut by roadways, their tops crowned with cell towers.

The cold subsided as warmth returned to her, giving a sense of excitement as she slowly approached the house. Never could she have imagined a return to the past, memory is but a fickle thing, and some are best kept as such, a memory. Small vestiges of yearning for a return to the way things were, the way things ought to be, the way they should be. Politics was never something that had interested her, let alone a blue-collar working family on the outskirts of Osaka. They were simply too preoccupied with the mundane, with family, and work. When her brother was killed in a car accident, her innocence as a young girl began to slowly fade over the next fifteen years. At the age of twenty-two a unique offer was presented, the Defense Force. Excelling in athletics, martial arts, and coding, she had the beginnings of some sort of a career. Nothing was certain, and with no better option, she accepted. Soon she would be sent off for basic training. That was until everything changed.

With a bright flash and little to no warning, a fourteen-megaton nuclear warhead struck the base. Luckily for the recruits, a steep rocky hill shielded them. It was also by a stroke of luck that they were in a peculiar zone of safety. One kilometer outside the blast zone of the base, and ten kilometers outside of mount Yoshino.

The river further northwest began to boil as vapors slithered into the sky whilst a backdrop of the mushroom cloud burned everything within ten miles around ground zero.

She thought her life a nightmare, a family burned away from reality. Japan had suffered such an attack during the Second World War. Such things are of course sick and disturbing in their irony.

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2032 by Dan Padbury https://joelbooks.com/2032-by-dan-padbury/ Thu, 15 Sep 2022 09:19:24 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=24007

The nations of Africa battle the decline of vegetation. The...

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The nations of Africa battle the decline of vegetation. The desert creeps closer, threatening the major cities. People flee across the seas in a mass exodus not seen since biblical times. Hunger and greed consume those who remain. Yet hope is not lost. Some who remain vow to do all they can to halt the wicked machinations of corrupt governments and too-big corporations.

–Dan Padbury

Author's Website

A rare few have dared look beyond the edge of sanity. Those who have wish they were never so bold for a universe of madness and terror stared back.


The nations of Africa battle the decline of vegetation. The desert creeps closer, threatening the major cities. People flee across the seas in a mass exodus not seen since biblical times. Hunger and greed consume those who remain. Yet hope is not lost. Some who remain vow to do all they can to halt the wicked machinations of corrupt governments and too-big corporations.

Thandiwe and her Bangaphandle use their hacking skills to turn those same corporations getting rich off the helpless to share their profits with her beloved Africa. Imbued by her initial success, Thandiwe becomes distracted by the enigmatic Ali. He holds a strange power within and confides in her a terrible secret that threatens all of humanity.

Detective Dakarai spends his days combating the city’s meth problem. When he stumbles upon Thandiwe and Ali he quickly realizes a more sinister plot is at work, one with demonic implications. Dakarai knows what he must do, even if he is terrified to do it.

  • A boy whose blood will save mankind from the clutches of annihilation
  • A girl whose mind could hold any computer on earth to ransom
  • A man with many faces and an immoral thirst for power and control

Their destinies hold the fate of the world, but time is running out. To save the world, they must accept the impossible and rise above all that has come before.

It is a debut novel that covers cynical manipulation of health in Africa by foreign governments where a Marburg Virus pandemic rages. It marries cyber-hacking with a feel for a future nobody deserves.


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Life Unnormal by Jill Caplin https://joelbooks.com/life-unnormal-by-jill-caplin/ Thu, 06 Jan 2022 08:01:26 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=18680

Imagining a futuristic underground society is the reason I wrote...

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Imagining a futuristic underground society is the reason I wrote the book. Wondering what a young woman would do to reunite with her parents? What obstacles would face her in her quest?

Forced to live in The Annex, an underground city, Tessa is desperate. Separated from her parents by an apocalyptic weather catastrophe, Tessa’s only hope is to find them. As she deals with the harsh realities of The Annex and New City Tessa wonders about her new life.

Will she be exchanged? Will she escape New City into the tunnels? Will reuniting with her parents after an anxious search satisfy Tessa enough to calm her curious mind? Tessa knows she must answer those questions and more while she learns more about herself as she journeys in the dystopian novel of Life Unnormal.


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Heart of Swine by Freddy F. Fonseca https://joelbooks.com/heart-of-swine-by-freddy-f-fonseca/ Thu, 09 Dec 2021 06:00:00 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=18185

A Ridiculously Realistic, Deadly Serious Comedy – With a Superhero...

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A Ridiculously Realistic, Deadly Serious Comedy – With a Superhero Pig

Think you're living in an environmental dystopia?
Wait until we start thawing a frozen planet with pig farts.

That's where the story begins and it doesn't get any less wild. At once ridiculous and chilling, rising surrealist talent Freddy F. Fonseca explores the dark, porky underbelly beneath humanity's seemingly ever-more-virtuous race toward sustainability – and the genius puppet-masters who watch our feeble bamboo-straw-buying attempts and smile, while flattening another rainforest.

Oh yeah, and there's our hero. The last remaining pig on Earth just happened to be blessed with superpowers. Which he would use to avenge the extermination of his species, were he not to get tangled up in an all-too-human web of greed, lust, and indifference.

The anarchic and ambitious Heart of Swine has breath-taking scope and a wry, not totally resigned smile. It incautiously pulls away the covers to reveal how half-assed humanity's efforts to clean up after itself have been. It's funny and coarse, sure, but the writer is deadly serious. The epic failures we continue to see around the world on a personal and political level are taken to frightening lengths. And reading Heart of Swine is like a Rorschach test for one's outlook on the future – although it's hard to think, especially after finishing this book, that everything's going to be just fine.

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Afterworld by James G. Robertson https://joelbooks.com/afterworld-by-james-g-robertson/ Mon, 06 Sep 2021 09:12:57 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=15829

Next Life Book 1 A personal message from the author:...

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Next Life Book 1

A personal message from the author:

I wrote this book to explore questions of the unknown, but also to bring a fantastic universe to life for which people can derive some joy (even if it is dark often).

— James G. Robertson

Death comes, and misery follows. As a man in his early twenties, Leon never genuinely contemplated what would happen after his death. Like those before him, he never understood the truth of our universe. After his sudden demise, the terrorizing reality of a mysterious dystopian afterlife begins crushing him as it has those prior. Men have started enslaving and killing each other to sate their greed while enigmatic creatures oppress the masses. Only a select few have shown the courage that is needed to challenge their supremacy.

Through this eclipsing darkness, there is hope. But will that hope prove to be enough to save this turbulent cosmos? The revelations of advanced science, magic, human savagery, and even our gods will be showcased. Both in a new light and disturbing darkness, will the verities of Earth and Afterworld give him a greater understanding of our universe; or in turn, begin to break him as they have done to so many before?

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Outbreak by Christopher Cole https://joelbooks.com/outbreak-by-christopher-cole/ Fri, 23 Jul 2021 08:39:28 +0000 https://joelbooks.com/?p=14976

The Dark Days Series Book 1 Cities are bombed out...

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The Dark Days Series Book 1

Cities are bombed out ruins and wilderness is humanity’s new home. The undead roam the earth, and the new world order is about the struggle to survive. Sonny Daniels begins an emotional and physical journey of personal survival and protecting those he loves.

While survival is a constant struggle, Sonny’s most desperate fight is the struggle preserve some semblance of a compassionate soul. Sonny and his parents are caught in the zombie outbreak in upstate New York. After the passage of the first year, their base is attacked by bandits and their safety has again been compromised. Fearing for their loved ones, Sonny’s parents send him and his orphaned childhood friends, Ashley and Carrie, to Fort Denver Colorado on a military plane.

When Fort Denver is overrun with zombies, the three are alone in a zombie-infested wasteland without the army’s protection, forced to rely upon one another and a handful of equally desperate survivors they encounter along the journey. Sonny is determined to do whatever it takes to protect Ashley and Carrie while finding a safe place to call home, but survival can force you to make dark decisions.

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